Book Review: Face Off with Your Feelings

I signed up to be on the waitlist for the release of Face Off with Your Feelings. I came across Jessica on Instagram and followed her account because she shared Truth. Her posts were not full of feel-good information, but practical ways to address deep hurt from trauma and abuse. She taught from scripture and her own experiences. I knew I would benefit from her Book Face Off with Your Feelings

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My Review

Throughout the book she keeps it real telling of her own false beliefs, how she has grown and how partnering with the Lord allows her to heal from a place of deep wounding.

In Face Off with Your Feelings Jessica shares step by step how to take painful trauma to the Lord and allow Him to impart His Truth over the lies which come out of difficulties circumstances and experiences.

Check out these amazing stickers Jessica offers on her website: Face Off with Your Feelings – Jessica Hottle

The process Jessica teaches promotes growth in a relationship with Jesus. She shares the importance of taking our wounded experiences to Jesus first.  She teaches about the connection between body, soul and spirit. 

Jessica also Created a Workbook

The entire book is a guide to the healing process. Her workbook provides space to answer questions promoting the healing process. Jessica encourages her readers to be aware of a need to constantly be busy. I was reminded of my past practice of intentionally turning off the radio when traveling which I started over 8 years ago. As I realized, I have become ‘busy’ again and the practice of sitting in the moment and recognizing where my thoughts go has taken a back seat.  I appreciate the reminder to be aware.

She starts the book encouraging the reader to make space to heal. An important element as the healing process does not occur over night. Rather, the healing journey is a daily or weekly practice of getting real and a willingness for deep examination of one’s self, of being honest with Christ and searching His Word for His truth to replace lies.

The Launch Team

Being a part of Jessica’s launch team was a privilege.  I have been on between 10 and 20 book launches over the last 10 years.  Being a part of Jessica’s was like no other I have participated in. She actually conducted live coaching videos speaking to questions or comments we had in our own healing journey.  I am forever grateful for her insights into my own journey of healing as being a part of her launch team. Jessica ask good questions to get me looking deeper at my heart, beliefs and actions. 

Face Off with Your Feelings also asks good questions to get a person started and going next level down in examining our hearts and beliefs driving our reactions. She shares ways to take a closer look at our reactions to events or comments which trigger our pain. Again, questions to ask ourselves to get us to look closer and dig deeper into why respond the way we do. What lie are we believing and what is God’s answer or truth to the lie.

Face Off with Your Feelings Book
Click the following link to order your copy:

The Journey Continues

Finally completing the book does not mean we are done with our journey. Rather, it is a springboard to launch off of. If, like me, your journey started before reading Face Off with Your Feelings, you are bound to discover insight, God’s truth and a new question to help you along on your healing journey and relationship with Christ.

“We cannot let what we feel become an “I am” statement in our life. God is the only one who gets to say who we are and what we are made of.”

~Jessica Hottle in Face Off with Your Feelings

My copy of Face Off with Your Feelings is strewn with underlined print and notes in the margins. Some are practical ideas I desire to apply, and others are examples in my own life I documented in response to a truth she imparted. The content is full of advice I want to continue to put into practice for it does not teach 1 or 2 action steps rather a shift in the way one processes emotion.

In Conclusion

I intend to go through the book and spend time answering the questions in the workbook Jessica created. My healing and the skill of taking control of my thoughts and emotions is a lifelong process. I will continue to press on.

Other Book Reviews

Books I Read in 2021

Books take us places we will never see with our eyes and offer ideas and education. I am thankful for the time others invested in me by reading stories. In this week’s post I share my opinion on the books I read or listened to in 2021.

Books are a part of my life and have been since I was a little girl. Both of my parents read to me, as did a grandma. Memories of sitting next to an adult while being read to me fill my heart with joy. To this day I enjoy reading, or with today’s modern technology listening to a book.

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Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lisa Terkheurst

I choose an audio version of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget via Christian Audio. The first part I listened while face to face with a current painful environment strewn with painful memories.

I found Chapter 7 particularly helpful as I followed Lisa’s advice to write out what I was feeling instead of wishing the people around me would change. In the past when faced with the above-mentioned scenario, I always seen my only relief occurring if the people behaved differently. I longed for them to change so I would find a healing balm for my pain.

She jolted me to a new reality I was thankful for. I sat writing how I felt in the situation from my past. The little girl whose life was forever altered. I also wrote about the pain I felt in the moment. The current circumstances around me. I felt the beginning of a newfound freedom.

Lisa unpacks other ways to shift one’s mindset. Pain we feel is valid, but as a believer we are instructed to forgive. Sometimes forgiveness starts as a choice, not as an emotion. The emotions will need to catch up. And I believe God is faithful when we keep our eyes focused on him.

 As a part of the Book study led by Lisa and her staff of this book Forgiving What You Can’t Forget I re-read the book. Being a part of the book study gave me opportunity to listen to additional teaching via videos and go through the digital workbook provided.

The Lord used Forgiving What You Can’t Forget to begin healing in my life but going through the book/Bible study God dug deeper into areas I needed Him to find in my heart.

Want to order your own copy of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget? Click here. To order the study guide click here. Or to order them together along with a DVD click the link:

Love Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine

I found Love Centered Parenting to go beyond sharing parenting ideas. Crystal shares her spiritual journey as it relates to her journey raising children. The lessons she teaches apply to areas of life outside of parenting a child.

Book and cup of coffee
Click on the picture to order your copy today.

My walk with Christ has grown as a result of reading and applying parts of Love Centered Parenting.  Her honesty is refreshing.

She gets real about challenges her family has faced and is honest about her mistakes.

Quote from Love Centered Parenting

Her ability to encourage others by sharing her own life lessons leaves me with a desire to continue learning from her experiences.

Love Centered Parenting is packed full of ways to grow closer in a relationship with Jesus.  Read

The entire book review by clicking below:

Love Centered Parenting: Book Review – A Country Girl’s Heart -Beats that Matter (

Holding on When You Want to Let Go by Sheila Walsh

Sheila speaks to the brutal moments in life when we find ourselves questioning, where is God? Is He real? Does He care? Why is ________ happening? (You fill in the blank) Holding on When you Want to Let Go addresses the nitty gritty of faith.

As I read, I felt encouraged, reminded in my current out of control circumstances I trusted God more than I ever had before.  No, I have not arrived, certainly not.  To be honest I was tempted and even gave in, allowing my thoughts to be distracted from the difficulties at hand, but on a smaller level. However, my roots of faith are deepening. 

Order your own copy by clicking the link: Sheila also has a study book available.

Dakota Series

Dakota Dawn, Dakota Dream, and Dakota Dusk make up 3 books of this 5 part series telling fictional historical accounts of individuals who immigrated to Soldahl, North Dakota. I enjoyed hearing details of what life may have been like for the brave travelers to a new land. The community of people who worked hard and loved the Lord through hardship and joy.

Historical romance are my easy listening (or reading) books for the times I long to get away but physically need to stay present on CG Heartbeats Farm.

I recently learned 2 additional books exist in this Dakota series penned by Lauraine Snelling. You can be sure I will track them down to enjoy, also. I found the first 3 audio books on Christian Audio.

Wrapping Up

I started a couple other books in 2021, but I am still finishing them. Check back for individual book reviews. Or you might have to wait until I post a similar post next year. I would like to hear what books you enjoyed in 2021. Will you leave me a comment sharing your favorite book in you read in 2021? Happy reading in 2022

Book Review: Holding on When you Want to let Go

Sheila speaks to the brutal moments in life when we find ourselves questioning, Where is God? Is He real? Does He care? Why is ________ happening? (You fill in the blank) Holding on When You Want to Let Go addresses the nitty gritty of faith. 

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Holding on When You Want to Let Go is the second book I have reviewed by Sheila Walsh. The first was Praying Woman. If you desire to read those thoughts, use the clickbelow: Book Review: Praying Women – A Country Girl’s Heart -Beats that Matter (

I encourage you to look up the scriptures referenced in this and any book asking the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart concerning the meaning of a particular scripture. Examine the context around a given scripture.  Ask Him what he wants to teach you.

A General Overview

In the first 5 chapters, Sheila addresses 5 scenarios when we need to hold on:

  • Life feels out of control
  • You feel alone
  • God is silent
  • You are afraid
  • You have messed up

If we are honest, we have all experienced these feelings at some point in our lives. I know I have felt every one and some of them I feel often.

I was encouraged by the message around fear and sin or when you are afraid and sin. Of course, along with many in our world today the chapter on Holding on when life feels out of control is especially relevant. I am no different. God is in control even when our circumstances feel otherwise.

The Final 5 chapters Sheila focuses on the fact, the truth, for God’s children. We are being held by:

  • His Promises
  • The God Who Rescues
  • The God of Miracles
  • The One who changed everything
  • The One you can trust

I can not choose one of these final 5 chapters which spoke to my heart over the others. I intend to read the hard copy I received, making notes as I read again. As a part of Sheila’s launch team, I read a digital copy and prefer to take notes in a physical copy. I am encouraged by the reminder to hold on to my Savior in trying circumstances.

Picture of Book Holding on When You want to Let Go

On a Personal Note

A family member is going through serious health struggles, and 2 other family members experienced acute health problems over the last few months. There is encouragement in the reminder to continue to trust the Lord despite circumstances happening around me completely out of my control. 

If I look back over my life this practice of trusting Him even when hard issues happen around me completely out of my control is a skill I have needed.  In times past, I gave into the temptation to distract myself with pursuits of happiness or simply running away.  I did not understand the how of trusting God.

As I read, I felt encouraged, reminded that this round of out of control circumstances I trusted God more than I ever had before.  No I have not arrived, certainly not.  To be honest I was tempted and even gave in, but on a smaller level to allow my thoughts to be distracted from the difficulties at hand.  However, my roots of faith are deepening. 

This year I found myself tested and I am thankful for the hope I found reading Holding on When You Want to Let Go.

I look forward to reading my hard copy of this book, making notations, and allowing God to speak to my heart through the words and Bible verse brought to my attention through Sheila’s book.

In Conclusion

I recommend Holding on When You Want to Let Go to anyone feeling alone, grieving, fearful, battling addiction, or those facing circumstances of health difficulties. You may find a renewed sense of commitment and hope in the midst of trouble. You are loved, friend.

Holding On When You want to Let Go is a relevant book for everyone who has faced a trial lately or is in the midst of one now. Do you need encouragement? You can purchase your copy today using the link below.

Love Centered Parenting: Book Review

Before I share my Love Centered Parenting book review, let me give you my behind the scenes look of its creation. I was a member of Crystal’s blogging mastermind and she shared a part of what life was like writing a book.  

She told us how she set aside X amount of time 5 days a week to write. As our group leader she gave me a tool to grow in my life by her example of how she made time to follow through with her commitment.

Her daily discipline and commitment to her writing life encourages me still. I am pleased to be a part of her launch team for Love Centered Parenting.

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Written by Crystal Paine, I felt almost as if it was a letter from a friend.  I feel privileged to have been on the outskirts of her journey when she wrote this book.

I was given an advanced digital copy to read and soaked up nudges from the Holy Spirit as I read. Today I am excited to have a purchased physical copy in my hands as I finish this post.

Book and cup of coffee
Click here to order your copy of Love Centered Parenting today.

A book in hand and a pen to make notes fills me with a warm and excited feeling. Even if I have already read the book.

My Review

I found Love Centered Parenting to go beyond sharing parenting ideas. Crystal shares her spiritual journey as it relates to her journey raising children. The lessons she teaches apply to areas of life outside of parenting a child.

Quote from Love Centered Parenting

In this book Crystal presents the ways she has grown as a parent and where she still struggles. It could not help but get me thinking a little deeper about relationships close to me.  

  • How can I improve as a listener?
  • How do I show up to show love to others I interact with?
  • Do I truly trust God for the outcome and not try to manipulate a result?
  • Am I ok with going into a mess of someone’s life because he called me? 
  • Do I play it safe when it comes to relationships?

Some of the answers stung a little cause I see room for improvement in my life.

My walk with Christ has grown as a result of reading and applying parts of this book.  Her honesty is refreshing.

She gets real about challenges her family has faced and presets vulnerable struggles her family has faced.

Quote from Love Centered Parenting

Love Centered Parenting is packed full of ways to grow closer in a relationship with Jesus.  It appears to be written for people who have already come to the conclusion they are sinful and need a relationship with Him for eternal salvation.

Her ability to encourage others by sharing her own life lessons leaves me with a desire to continue learning from her experiences.  

In Conclusion of Love Centered Parenting Book Review

Crystal doesn’t tell her only tell her story. Each chapter ends with 2 transforming truths. The last portion of the book leaves you with Practical Tools for Love Centered Parenting.

  • A live loved manifesto
  • Flare prayers
  • A feelings chart
  • Conversations starters (I love this one!)
  • Pledge to my maturing child
  • The one minute pause

I am a step closer in becoming better at relating to those around me I love. As a child of Christ, I am a bit more grounded for the way she continues to go back to the Bible as she shares her story.

Grab your copy today at your favorite book store or click the link below.

Books I Read in 2020

stack of books

The 11 books I read in 2020 were a mix of historical fiction, leadership material and memoirs. For todays post I will group the books I read into 2 categories, fiction and non fiction.

I share my honest thoughts about each of the books I read. Hope you enjoy my short reviews.

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Non Fiction Books I Read in 2020

Don’t Give Up by Kyle Idleman

I listened to Don’t Give Up as an audio book on Christian Audio.  The author, a pastor, goes to the scripture to examine what the Bible has to say about not giving up.

Click Don’t Give Up for more information

I found myself encouraged. For me, it is a book I believe will bring me needed encouragement each time I listen. So, it is going on my calendar to listen again in 2021.

Thinking Like a Boss by Kate Crocco

I choose Thinking Like a Boss to listen to as a download from Christian Audio because I desire to grow my leadership skills.  This also, is a book I want to listen to again this year.

Click to order Thinking Like a Boss

Kate walks her reader through lies holding them back from their potential as a leader. There is unpacked information waiting for me. I will glean a better understanding of my strengths and limitations as a leader. A process which needs to repeat itself on a yearly basis.

Acres of Diamonds by Jentezen Franklin

I was gifted a copy of Acres of Diamonds to read as a part of the launch team.  My biggest take away reminded me to stay put. The best of life is not out there, but rather here.

I found Acres of Diamonds a fresh reminder and affirmation to stay where I am.  The phrase “trust the progress” speaks of not becoming distracted, shiny object syndrome, and giving up. Acres of Diamonds encouraged me to continue the drudgery and continue doing the hard work.

Clicking the book’s picture will take you to ordering information.

On page 49 the author speaks to being planted like a tree. The concept spoke loudly to me on the importance of staying. As a teen and into adulthood, I displayed a desire to run from the uncomfortable things of life. I had no idea how to stay put and deal.

If I did not know how to deal, I moved on. Literally, I moved 8 times in 5 years. I am learning here on the farm about facing my struggle. How am I learning? Practice. Staying put and learning how to turn to Jesus for answers to hard stuff.

Similar to the concept of bloom where I am planted. Treasure is here to find; I need to keep looking and refuse to give up.

I don’t want to give the story away behind the title, so I will say no more on the topic. There is hard work to be done, but running away to find a treasure, may in fact be leaving your treasure or mine for someone else to find and develop.

Good Husbandry by Kristin Kimball

Kristen tells stories from Essex Farm located in upstate New York. Reading it one might believe the events happened 100 and 50 years ago.  But in all actuality, they took place in the last 10 years.  I felt transported back in time, imagining the lake nearby, the small town and the slopes the farm was nestled against.

Living life with old school farming practices and values and providing for a family grabs my attention. Many famers across America need a full time 40-hour week job, and government subsidies to produce food.

The realities are brutal but survival often is. There are tender moments too, in the realities of a farm.  Life is not about keeping up with Jones. Life is about keeping food on the table for their family and the folks who purchase from them.

Click picture for ordering information

I found myself encouraged reading their story, encouraged for the possibilities here on CG Heartbeats Farm. Several important segments spoke to my heart, reminding me of why I desire a homestead life. I am not as alone in my perspective and values as what it seems.

Praying Though by Jarrett Stevens

Click the above photo to learn more.

Praying Through encouraged me to look deeper into my prayer life and come to a better understanding of my belief about prayer. 

We are given the privilege to take our cares to a loving God and Father, the Creator of the universe. We can speak to Him about everything after all even our thoughts are not hidden from Him.

Praying Women by Sheila Walsh

Sheila opens up about her beliefs about prayer from childhood. She talks through out the book of her journey to understand what powerful gift we have been given to communicate with our Creator. 

The questions she struggles with prompted me to take a closer look at my deeper belief about prayer and areas I see a need for growth in my own prayer life.

Do you what a copy for yourself? Click on the picture above.

Historical Fiction Books I Read in 2020

The simpler way of life lived out by the characters in these stories take me back in time to a world focused on survival. I am transported to a time when many folks lived on homesteads. Their stories although fiction keep me remembering my goals.

Brides of Hope Mountain Series by Mary Connealy

A series about 3 independent sisters who lived on a mountain top away from civilization. Each book tells the story of one girl coming to know herself, her God and a man.

I found myself drawn to each of the 3 characters. Each girl possessed unique survival skills, an independence, and determination I could not help but admire.

Click on any picture to order a copy for yourself.

Beyond This Moment by Tamara Alexander

Historical fiction westerns are easy for me to consume in a physical or audio copy. Beyond this Moment brought historic facts of the way life used to be woven into a plot with a few twists and turns I did not see coming.

Click for information about Beyond This Moment

I recall listening one Saturday evening as I pulled weeds from the horse paddock. I enjoyed the story so much I wanted to keep pulling weeds and not go on to my next task. 

So, friend, I did exactly that. The captivating story kept my attention as I worked at the insanely boring job of pulling weeds.

From the stage coach accident to the secrets the main character carried, Beyond This Moment conveys important life lessons on honesty and facing the facts from a Biblical perspective.

Beyond This Moment is the second book in a series titled, Timber Ridge Reflections. I intend to add books 1 and 3 to my reading list for 2021.

Stem of the Wildflower by Lois Slater

First in a series of 4 books, Stem of the Wildflower, tells the story of a family who faces harsh realities of life on a Wyoming ranch. One of my favorite reasons to share this book with you has a story of its own. While attending the Buffalo Wyoming Christmas Market I met the author, Lois Slater. Her face lit up as she shared her inspiration for the books and a brief introduction to a few of the characters.

The first 4 chapters I read as I could but then the plot took off. I finished the book in a day or two. I found myself surprised at the twists and turns. Others were forewarned, but I desired to believe the best of a character.  I reminded myself of who I am as a person. I want happy endings and not every relationship will provide the warm, cozy feeling in real life or in books.

As a precaution, there is a bit of violence as one might find in a western novel. The characters have not yet encountered Christ (I am not sure they do) and the books do not appear to be based on biblical principles.

I look forward to reading the next book in this series, but I proceed with caution as I do carefully guard what I put into my mind these days. Meeting Lois, the author, as a part of attending the Buffalo Christmas Market is indeed a fond memory. I am happy I did.

In Conclusion

I enjoyed each of these books I read in 2020 and learned a new thing to apply or a better understanding of myself. Will you leave a comment below sharing your favorite books of 2020. I may want to add them to my 2021 list.

Ten Acres Enough, Homesteading in the 1800’s

I slowly digested Ten Acres Enough by Edmond Morris in the summer of 2018.  Reading a few pages while I ate lunch or found I needed to sit down for a break.  As I read, I often felt renewed energy and motivation to continue, keep on with the tasks at hand staying focued with the big goals. 

The end of 2020 is approaching. I find myself looking back at what I accomplished and what goals I want to set for 2021.

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Pasture on CG Heartbeats Farm
Current horse pasture, but may serve a new function as the year unravels.

I gained a new perspective for the property I live on reading thorough Ten Acres Enough. My view shifted. Instead of seeing it through the eyes of where a horse barn, shelters, and pasture could go, I began to see where blueberries, grapes, and garlic might produce the best.

Click on the picture above to purchase your copy of Ten Acres Enough

The mistaken ambition for owning twice as much land as one can thoroughly manure or profitably cultivate, is the great agricultural sin of this country.

Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough
At least one of the areas chosen to grow grapes

At times, this homesteading journey can feel a bit lonely, but reading Ten Acres Enough I found a kinship with a man and his family now passed.  After living and owning a business in the city for 20 years, he fulfills a longtime dream of owning farm ground in the country. 

His farm, he purchased in the 1850’s.  This is no typo.  Nor is the price he paid, $1,000.00 for 11 acres, with a house and barn on it.  The land I have is 11.7 acres and believe me the price was well above $1000.00.

I found myself inspired as I read Edmund’s account of creating food and an income to support his family by farming 10 acres of land.

Maria Graber

Click on the picture above to purchase Ten Acres Enough

Interesting Facts found in Ten Acres Enough

Edmund Morris shares not only of his personal experience, but also of farming practices and the economic impact of the last half of the 1800’s. 

Facts to Ponder

  • produce and fruit prices at that time,
  • the price they paid for manure (that they even paid for manure),
  • weed control methods,
  • how they used manure,
  • how they dealt with insects and worms that damaged crops,
  • their experience (or perhaps inexperience) with chickens. 

Eventually, Edmund hired not only one, but 2 people to help on only 11 acres.  This was a family with 6 children who also helped.

Click to order Ten Acres Enough

The words he used to share his story have added to my vocabulary. Some I have never heard in this day and age and likely will not.

This book provided me with a new view of our land and produced many new ideas to ponder on. I intend to reread Ten Acres Enough, as I plan for 2021. In the coming months and years I will reference certain practices mentioned though out this book

It takes a man a great while to learn the way of Providence, and to understand that things are better contrived for him than he can can contrive for himself.

Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough

Click on the above picture to purchase Ten Acres Enough

Winter is Proverbially the farmer’s holiday. But it was no idle time with me. ….. The careful man will find a world of fixing up to do for winter.

Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough

I recommend this book to any and all who desire a homestead lifestyle.  If you read or have read this book, I would be trilled to hear what stood out to you.

If you can not afford a physical copy, good news! Written in 1864, prior to copywrite laws, it is considered public domain. It can be read free as an e-book in downloadable PDF form:

Book Review: Praying Women

I was given a digital copy to read prior to the release date of February 4, 2020. I prefer a book in my hand when reading, but I find I need to be flexible with the age we are in. I do not always compromise, but in this case I did.  This book review focuses on Praying Women, a practice I intend to grow in. In living out my homesteading life, prayer makes up an important part of my day.  It ranks up there with feeding livestock and growing my own food. I feel excited as I learn and apply.

Sheila brings her sense of humor to this book. Beginning with a funny story about her grandfather and prayer. In her descriptive detail, I had to smile and found my heart lifted the way humor does.  She moves on to the serious details of feelings and questions a lot of women have when it comes to prayer.

What about those times it feels like our answer does not come? Or the answer is not what we were expecting?

I have been there with that one many times. I prayed trusting God’s will while attaching my own outcome to the trust. What now, when God’s will becomes different than my expectation? The agony of waiting for an answer can become a feeling of lonely despair. Creating the question, ‘Does he even hear me?’

I found myself challenged to approach prayer in a new way. I now intend to pray the word of God on a regular basis. I have done a bit of that in the past, but I now understand a little about the power in praying His word back to Him.

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Click the picture on the right to purchase your copy today.

Praying Women releases on February 4, 2020

Praying Women started me thinking about prayer as a strategic weapon in spiritual warfare. I grew up always hearing “I will pray for you” to the point that it seemed a thing to say with out any follow up. Now I believe there is power in prayer. I know it to be important. Reading Praying Woman upped the level of understanding of just how important our prayer life is to our walk of faith.

In Praying Women, I found myself circling back to the important facts of being in a relationship with Jesus.

I felt encouraged by the examples of where Sheila has struggled in her own prayer life and how the Lord has led her through these struggles, teaching her along the way.

I read again one of my favorite verses, “Be still, and know that I am God”, Psalms 46:10. I am pretty sure I did not master that yet, but I appreciate the reminder to keep practicing.

I was reminded of how we can be real when talking to God, a heart to heart conversation.

M. Graber

However, I think I have often lost sight of the sovereignty of prayer. When we pray, we are talking to the creator of the universe, the one who holds all power over everything. A king of the universe, the one who gives and takes away. Jesus said He would intercede for us and only possible because he died on the cross. Before His life on Earth as a human and death, there was only religious rituals to cleanse one from sin. Now the relationship shifted to one of family or friend.

Sheila shares the importance of praying beyond our feelings.

Praying when we don’t feel like it and praying when it feels like God is not there. She asks you to examine your heart, getting down to the root of why. Who or what we look to for our identity? I have been there finding my identity in things and people other than my relationship with Jesus. To be honest, this focus of who I am in Christ continues to be an ongoing journey of growth. Separating the human Maria from the new person I am in Christ, who He calls me to be.

Use the link on the left to order from Amazon.

Praying Women can be found at other online and off line book stores as well.

Praying Women releases on February 4, 2020.

***Check out the Study Guide that goes along with this book.***

I realize this post is a bit different than producing your own food or raising livestock.  It does relate to my everyday life and in that sense, it becomes a real part of my homesteading journey. In fact, every bit as much of my daily routine of animal husbandry and living off the land as best I can.

Book Review: Praying Through

I was given an advance reader copy of Praying Through authored by Jarrett Stevens before the release date to read and review. I am blessed to be a part of this launch team and happy to add this to my collection of book reviews and my personal library.

Praying Through, a timely read for me, strengthened my faith. I read it coming off a month of time invested with family and heart that felt poured into. I want to share a couple ideas that stood out to me and continue to come back to me on a daily basis.

  • I found myself encouraged and reminded to pray first. Before I open my mouth, before I let my emotions take off, before I entertain thoughts that serve no purpose but to distract and provoke me, pray.
  • When I feel out of sorts, I find I am remembering to turn to prayer. I realize it has been hours since my thoughts were anywhere near anything that had to do with my relationship with Jesus. As I ask forgiveness for that fact, I feel peace. Staying focused on Him, builds my relationship with Christ. We are instructed in the Bible to pray without ceasing.

In the last year the Lord, showed me an area of my life that I carried an unforgiveness in that I had not remembered. It went back to my early childhood. In the following weeks, in prayer one evening, the Lord said, “Now I can love on you.” Those times are special and noteworthy.  There are times of waiting on the Lord. Praying Through devotes a chapter to ways to keep faith alive when it feels like God is silent. I appreciate that part of the book. I found my faith strengthened as I read. I believe The Bible teaches sin can get in the way of hearing from God. As one who struggled with bitterness in childhood, I realized a few years ago that bitterness greatly stood in the way of my ability to connect to the Lord. What I did not do was give up on my belief that God/Jesus held the answers. Although I sure did stumble a lot. Reading the importance of keeping faith while not hearing from God encouraged me. I can look back seeing how sin stood in the way, God too, was faithful to me as that has come full circle and I find my connection with the Lord and our relationship growing, may I say finally?

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Enter January 6, 2020 through Friday, January 10, 2020

I grew up hearing folks say, ‘I will pray for you.’ But it seemed much like a thing to say with no follow up conversations. Yet, hearing that created a belief that prayer made a difference. It was after all free. I recall a woman who I was friends with that I prayed for her safety for years, and I learned after word she had faced many dangers during that time.  I think that did as much for my faith as any impact on her life.  Her story has not ended, yet.  

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Praying Through takes a look at the struggles of prayer in different seasons of life. Grief, needing direction, worry, thankfulness, and the newness of a relationship with Christ are times any person who seeks, finds and ask Jesus into their heart faces. These are universal human emotions and circumstances.

Praying Through made me think harder about my prayer life. It has waxed and waned over the years in its intensity. I underlined many parts of the book.

Praying Through teaches a believer about prayer. If I find room for improvement in this wonderful book, it is this. I do not recall a mention of our human sinful nature, our desperate need for a Savior to begin with, a sinner’s prayer, or a how sin creates a wall (of our own doing) between us and our Savior.  

I found my faith grew as I read. My focus, as I read, was directed to prayer for and in everything. On a day by day, and moment by moment basis, prayer keeps my mind off of me. Believe me, that can be a good thing. I will be re-reading the chapter ‘When I Need Direction’.  The verses shared here created a desire to seek the Lord for my next steps. I will not spoil it for you, but I intend to use the steps laid out on seeking direction, using prayer and more. A fitting chapter for me right now, going into the new year and planning the direction to take.

Each chapter ends with a written prayer until the next to last chapter. AT that point, it is your chance to practice. Through out this book, Jarrett shares truths with examples of his own life to deliver a point. If you are looking to deepen your prayer life, I recommend reading Praying Through. One way to put this info to use is by picking one point and start to live it out. I know I am going to. There is much in here for everyone. I believe God knows what each heart needs and what you need will not be the same as mine. What stands out to you, while likely different than me, will be a good thing.

Do you want to purchase your own copy today?

Click Here or on the picture to the left

I noticed over the last two weeks, my mind turns to prayer as a way to deal with challenges compared to a month ago. I have a place to go when I realize I need to stop the current thought pattern, be what it may in that moment. My prayer life grows and my faith strengthened. If your goal is to grow closer to the Lord, I recommend prayerfully considering the purchase of Praying Through.

Journaling prayers provide documentation to go back and find ways God has answered prayers. There are many journals on the market, but may I recommend one to you?  I met Tshania as a part of our small group at our blogging mastermind. She has a beautiful prayer journal for sale right now. I am earning no commission on her project. I, simply, wanted to share this with you as it is relevant on the topic of Prayer and show support for her.

A perfect companion to your prayer life is for sale as a physical copy though January 7, 2020.

Click on picture to order

Book Review: Extraordinary Influence

Extraordinary Influence speaks to a belief I have carried since childhood concerning the importance of leaders using affirmation instead of constructive criticism while still addressing the need for changes and improvements.  To be honest, seeing the need did not automatically give me the skills to conduct myself in such a manner. This book provides the info to learn those skills. It also addresses the fact that not every individual possesses a healthy enough core to thrive and grow in an affirming environment.

I like the way Dr. Tim Irwin broke down the ways to affirm and speak words of life to those around us.  While most info is directed for corporate setting, the ideas and principles apply to coaches, teachers, parents and anyone who is in a position of leadership.  The some of the examples he shared left me saying, “I want to work for a company like that “and “who doesn’t want to work for that kind of company”.   One doesn’t have to look far in my home town and state to hear of the difficulty of companies to keep employees.  Of course not every job is for everyone.  Dr. Irwin address the need to move a person on if they are not a good fit for a job, but to do it in a way that allows for growth of the individual.

He addresses that a job is not rehab and agrees tough decisions need to be made for the overall good of production, and the work place atmosphere.  This book does not advocate everything is always easy and good, affirm all.  How the need to let an employee move on is handled depends on the individual’s ability and strength of their core.

On a personal note here are a few of my thoughts I jotted down after reading on this particular subject.  The subject matter led me to evaluate myself on the topic of why disruptive employees are not removed.

I feel fear in the confrontation of a problem person.  I feel a big dose of pity for whomever or whatever when I think about giving up on someone or something.  It feels like failure.  Perhaps I am taking on a responsibility that isn’t mine.  Each one of us are responsible for our own behavior. Perhaps in letting someone go, it may even provide the motivation and/or realization they need to change. ~ M. Graber

I like a book that promotes a deeper, new line of personal thought.  Extraordinary Influence did this for me on more than one occasion.  I was, what we would today call, bullied in elementary school. When reading the part of Extraordinary Influence on parenting, I traveled back in my childhood memories and felt all the emotions of that time.  I recall some of the girls chasing me down and digging me with their nails. The only memory I have of why they might not have liked me was the time I informed them they were doing something out of line and what was going to happen to them if they continued.  Their dislike of me continued for a few years and then I switched schools.  I can still feel the feeling of shame, hurt, and desire to hide, to be small.  I became like a turtle, pulled my head back in my shell and only shared my truest of feelings and thoughts when and with who I felt the safest.   Needless to say, even some who I thought I felt safe with over the years continued to result in experiencing those same feelings again and again. I have continued to live small in many ways.  I find I have a desire to challenge myself and shift my perspective on these types of encounters.

This book challenged me in several ways. I can not lead with affirmation if my core struggles so when thinking of how to put some of this material to use, I was required to look deeper into my self.  A couple are listed above and go beyond the subject matter.  I mentioned at the beginning of this post that while I seen a need for affirming leaders, I often found myself at a loss, wondering how to motivate others in a positive, affirming way.  It is way too easy to revert to the examples we have seen around us and how others have spoken to us.  Dr Irwin shares specific areas to look at for ways to affirm others.  This book is filled with real life examples, asks thought-provoking questions, provides guided steps to make affirmation a practice and is backed by scientific brain research.

I can not lead with affirmation if my core is compromised. When thinking of how to put some of this material to use, I was challenged to look deeper into my self.

One chapter speaks into the importance and the how to of leaders investing into the lives of those with leadership potential, while another talks on leading teams.

Given the importance and live changing info of this book I am going to have to say it is becoming one of my  favorites!

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Book Review: Eat and Think Yourself Smart

I realize it has been some time since this book has launched. I felt a huge affirmation as I read Eat and Think Yourself Smart in 2016. I sensed strongly that my desire to raise as much of my own food as possible, teaching others as I learned, sharing my ideas and experiences was a an inspired path. It has taken some time to manifest and truly is still in its beginning stages.

About the Book

Dr Caroline Leaf takes on the Modern American Diet(MAD) advocating the importance of real local food for all.  She speaks to the food choices we have and the impact that “cheap” food has on our health.  When one considers the rising cost of health, it is not such a bargain after all. A large section of Eat and Think Yourself Smart takes a look at how the brain functions. Dr Leaf’s Geodesic Information Processing Theory formed the basis for her 30 (+)years of research with clients and research. She includes a 21 day diet plan complete with recipes. This book ends with a note section(73 pages) from which one may continue to research the subject of the impact our food choices have.

My Thoughts

Most intriguing to me is the study of the brain, our thought processes and how we can change our brain structure  by changing our thought patterns.  This concept has been studied extensively and unfortunately not taught in our public school system.  In this book Dr Leaf shares how we may use the concept to learn a new outlook on choosing food and eating.  I am still applying what I learned for it is not a concept that changes over night.  This is not about a quick fix, but rather an invitation to shift our perspectives and begin making healthier food choices.

In Conclusion

Eat and Think Yourself Smart became one of my inspirations to move forward with a homesteading lifestyle and share the journey to inform others of ways that they might produce their own food.  It is a journey for me as I work to change my own thoughts toward food and put new habits in place when making food choices.

Read your own copy of Eat and Think Yourself Smart. Click on the picture to order your copy.

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