Books I Read in 2021

Books take us places we will never see with our eyes and offer ideas and education. I am thankful for the time others invested in me by reading stories. In this week’s post I share my opinion on the books I read or listened to in 2021.

Books are a part of my life and have been since I was a little girl. Both of my parents read to me, as did a grandma. Memories of sitting next to an adult while being read to me fill my heart with joy. To this day I enjoy reading, or with today’s modern technology listening to a book.

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Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lisa Terkheurst

I choose an audio version of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget via Christian Audio. The first part I listened while face to face with a current painful environment strewn with painful memories.

I found Chapter 7 particularly helpful as I followed Lisa’s advice to write out what I was feeling instead of wishing the people around me would change. In the past when faced with the above-mentioned scenario, I always seen my only relief occurring if the people behaved differently. I longed for them to change so I would find a healing balm for my pain.

She jolted me to a new reality I was thankful for. I sat writing how I felt in the situation from my past. The little girl whose life was forever altered. I also wrote about the pain I felt in the moment. The current circumstances around me. I felt the beginning of a newfound freedom.

Lisa unpacks other ways to shift one’s mindset. Pain we feel is valid, but as a believer we are instructed to forgive. Sometimes forgiveness starts as a choice, not as an emotion. The emotions will need to catch up. And I believe God is faithful when we keep our eyes focused on him.

 As a part of the Book study led by Lisa and her staff of this book Forgiving What You Can’t Forget I re-read the book. Being a part of the book study gave me opportunity to listen to additional teaching via videos and go through the digital workbook provided.

The Lord used Forgiving What You Can’t Forget to begin healing in my life but going through the book/Bible study God dug deeper into areas I needed Him to find in my heart.

Want to order your own copy of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget? Click here. To order the study guide click here. Or to order them together along with a DVD click the link:

Love Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine

I found Love Centered Parenting to go beyond sharing parenting ideas. Crystal shares her spiritual journey as it relates to her journey raising children. The lessons she teaches apply to areas of life outside of parenting a child.

Book and cup of coffee
Click on the picture to order your copy today.

My walk with Christ has grown as a result of reading and applying parts of Love Centered Parenting.  Her honesty is refreshing.

She gets real about challenges her family has faced and is honest about her mistakes.

Quote from Love Centered Parenting

Her ability to encourage others by sharing her own life lessons leaves me with a desire to continue learning from her experiences.

Love Centered Parenting is packed full of ways to grow closer in a relationship with Jesus.  Read

The entire book review by clicking below:

Love Centered Parenting: Book Review – A Country Girl’s Heart -Beats that Matter (

Holding on When You Want to Let Go by Sheila Walsh

Sheila speaks to the brutal moments in life when we find ourselves questioning, where is God? Is He real? Does He care? Why is ________ happening? (You fill in the blank) Holding on When you Want to Let Go addresses the nitty gritty of faith.

As I read, I felt encouraged, reminded in my current out of control circumstances I trusted God more than I ever had before.  No, I have not arrived, certainly not.  To be honest I was tempted and even gave in, allowing my thoughts to be distracted from the difficulties at hand, but on a smaller level. However, my roots of faith are deepening. 

Order your own copy by clicking the link: Sheila also has a study book available.

Dakota Series

Dakota Dawn, Dakota Dream, and Dakota Dusk make up 3 books of this 5 part series telling fictional historical accounts of individuals who immigrated to Soldahl, North Dakota. I enjoyed hearing details of what life may have been like for the brave travelers to a new land. The community of people who worked hard and loved the Lord through hardship and joy.

Historical romance are my easy listening (or reading) books for the times I long to get away but physically need to stay present on CG Heartbeats Farm.

I recently learned 2 additional books exist in this Dakota series penned by Lauraine Snelling. You can be sure I will track them down to enjoy, also. I found the first 3 audio books on Christian Audio.

Wrapping Up

I started a couple other books in 2021, but I am still finishing them. Check back for individual book reviews. Or you might have to wait until I post a similar post next year. I would like to hear what books you enjoyed in 2021. Will you leave me a comment sharing your favorite book in you read in 2021? Happy reading in 2022