Roots and Wings ~ Joy or Heartache?

A homestead lifestyle, raising food and caring for animals brings joy and hardship. Today, I struggled to find the good.

I recently read a quote from the last chapter of Old Yeller.

What I mean is, things like this happen. They may seem cruel and unfair, but that’s how life is a part of the time. But that isn’t the only way life is. A part of the time, it’s mighty good. And a man can’t afford to waste all the good part, worrying about the bad parts. That makes it all bad.

~Fred Gipson, quote from Old Yeller

Today I am watching a kitten die. I found I lost a hen. I cried about the kitten. I have been nursing him daily I feel those familiar words creeping in, ‘You are a failure.’

He happens to be a niece’s favorite via pictures. I do not look forward to telling my niece, but a voice inside reminds there is a life lesson for my niece in the story of loss. A silent prayer, ‘Lord, May I have the right words?’

I quoted the following Bible verse to myself.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is noble, whatsoever is just, whatsoever is true, whatsoever is noble, whatsoever is of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be anything praiseworthy, think on these things. 

~ Philippians 4:8 NKJV

A reminder to focus on what is of good report and praiseworthy.  I almost forced myself to think on the fact it was time to take Aneta for a walk. Spending time with the adorable Great Pyrenees puppy decidedly brings joy to my life.  Time with her has already proven an antidote for any dark mood I might be facing.

As I prepared to head outside, I thought, I am thankful 4 of the 7 eggs in lockdown are pipped already. It was late last night when I set up the lockdown. I skipped candling them. I have no idea what to expect from this hatch.

A long list of work awaits me. Our wet weather in the last week has proven a challenge to do any planting or working the ground. The chicken barn is over due for a good cleaning and the list goes on.

Again, I have a choice to look around at all the blessings and good or carry a weight of frustration.  Where will my focus be?  On this day, the battle rages minute by minute, hour by hour. Yet, Do I really have a right to be discouraged?  My friend recently lost her mother. Now there is a reason to grieve.

I recall a specific night I worked at a foaling barn.  On one side of the 30-stall barn was a baby who would be gone by morning. Mamma had kicked a, soon to be fatal, blow earlier that evening. On the other side of the barn a healthy foal birth, new life. The contrast of life and death sharply burned in my heart.

As living people, we are free to make choices in our thoughts and actions.  There are moments a hard choice will bring a good emotion down the road. Choices might appear good under present circumstances that down the road create a terrible emotion. 

Our world may saturate us with feelings of fear and unknown future. I am thankful for a God who sits on the throne no matter what. He sits there when I lose a chicken, when I watch a kitty die, when we lose a loved one and when a family member struggles.

I am thankful for all the good around me, watching other kittens play, watching a puppy romp in the grass, the chirps of newly hatched chicks, the whinny of a horse, the warm breath of a trusted horse, and wet puppy kisses. Life’s blessing surrounds us, we choose to see them, or not. 

Jesus said he goes to prepare a place for us.  I am thankful this broken world I live in is not my final destination.  

Perception, a powerful word when put into action.

May I encourage you to focus on all the good you are surrounded with today?