Kosciusko County Farmer’s and Artisan’s Market

If you have been following this blog over the past few months, I shared that I had attended 2 different indoor farmer’s markets local to my area. I wrote about the Culver Farmer’s Market and the Indoor Holiday Market in Bremen, Indiana. On March 30, 2019, I attended a third, new to me, indoor farmer’s market, the Kosciusko County Farmer’s and Artisan’s Market. I had wanted to attend in February, but I did not make it happen.  This market has existed for 40 years.

CG Heartbeats Farm’s vendor table

The morning dawned crisp with a colorful sunrise.  The air was sharp, but fresh.  I arrived and found a friend Julie, who was there with her succulent and fresh flower business, Blooms on 800.  She, not only, showed me where to get the provided table, but helped me set it up.  The room was large.  After setting out the wreaths, birdhouses, and signs, I took a look around at some of the other offerings. 

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Take a closer look for your self by viewing this short video showing many of the options to purchase that day.

I chatted with a woman who, along with her husband sells pasteurized goat milk.  It was most interesting conversation as I grew up drinking raw goat milk until I was around 11 years old.  It is good to hear others stories.  I made it back to my table and began painting. 

Two of the ‘new’ wren houses I will be painting. They will be covered with protective coating so they can actually be used outside!

I had brought a couple of the new actual bird houses that are for real wrens to use. They are super cute and as I write I am feeling excited for the ways I can paint on them.  I will then coat them with a clear protectant to allow them to stay ‘pretty’ when used outside and exposed to the weather. 

I played around with black and white to come up with this roof color. I have really enjoyed mixing colors for the unique individual results I end up with.

On that day I choose to paint a decorative bird house with a similar picture I had done at the last Culver Market (Culver, Indiana).  The final product pictured below.

Another vendor approached me with a request for a custom order. A painted bird house that would have the ability to hold business cards on their vendor table. The conversation provided interesting information about producing corn and other non-GMO vegetables while not cross pollinating with area crops. I look forward to working with that family to fill their request.  One of my favorite parts of the market was the young ladies who hung out with me to watch me paint.  I believe in the importance of investing in future generations.  I want to plant seeds of inspiration even when I may never see the full development and effect.

As the market wrapped up for the day, I took a spin of the wheel at the Kosciusko County Master Gardeners Association.  It landed on the question: What is the state tree of Indiana?  I was happy to see a multiple-choice answer.  White Ash, Tulip Tree or White Oak were my choices.  I choose Tulip Tree and won a pack of carrot seeds.  Yeah!!!!  I like seeds!  You never know what fun you will find at a farmer’s market.

This indoor winter market was held in Warsaw, Indiana every third Saturday of the month.  I happened to attend the last one, but they have a great (so I have been told) summer market that is held on an actual street.  I like that.  It has an old world feel to it. Do you agree? Check out the summer market details below.

  • Location:  Downtown Warsaw, Indiana between Buffalo and Lake Streets
  • Date: Every Saturday beginning May 4, 2019 through October 26, 2019 rain or shine
  • Time: 9 am to 1 pm
  • Cost: $0 to attend

Farmer’s Markets provide a place to connect with those who produce your food in a local area. Some even provide live music which is my icing on the cake. May I challenge you to look for markets local to your area and support the local economy?  Who knows? You make new friends, find a healthier way to eat, enjoy good music and teach the younger generation by example.

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