Seasons ~ Spring 2021

Before I share a CG Heartbeat Farm update for the Spring 2021 season, I want to celebrate what has been accomplished in the first 3 months of 2021.

Winter Progress

Another recent milestone involves the chickens. Yesterday and today the first chicks hatched from what I am currently calling Crossbred pen # 2.  Right now 5 pretty brown eggs  have produced a baby chick and the 6th  egg is pipped.

All 6 eggs I incubated were fertile.  Peering through the incubator, I do not see 100% consistency in color as I hoped for. But it is a project and I cannot expect perfection in only the 3rd generation.  I have 9 additional eggs incubating from Crossbred pen # 2 in another Janoel 12 incubator. Again all 9 were fertile. This is 100% fertility in the 15 incubated eggs.

Crossbred pen # 1 has started laying. They are laying a cream colored egg. I will be setting their eggs in the next hatch. I am considering offering (hatching) eggs for purchase from the Crossbred pens this year. If you are interested be sure to send me a message.

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

For months I have been ‘goat shopping’, asking questions, visited places in person and conducted lots of searches online. In the last 3 months I put deposits on 5 kids which are still at their respective farms, but I have created a web page to introduce them with pictures.

baby Nigerian Dwarf goats
These 2 have since moved on to my sister. I sure have enjoyed them while they stayed here.

Honey and her sister made the trip to CG Heartbeats Farm in March. At 8 week old Nigerian Dwarf doelings brought me joy watching them, caring for them and sometimes they even come cuddle by me when I am sitting with them. At least one of them are headed to my sisters later this year, but for now I am enjoying them.


Garden are a bit slow this time of year, but made small process by adding another post to the grapes.  Now I am able to put up a trellis for the largest grape vine getting it up off the ground.  I pruned off a few unwanted pieces in February. One of the 8 is doing fanomible growing roots and leafing out in a jar of water. The other 7 have hope but are not are far along. 

wood chips in wheelbarrow

I added wood chips left from chopping wood this winter to one of the garlic gardens. My heart feels satisfied when implementing sustainable practices. The other 2 garlic gardens will only be getting chaff added. I ran out of wood chips after covering one garlic garden.

I found this amazing deal on a hand push cultivator in near new condition. Excited to have it, I used it the day I brought it home.

Spring 2021 Goals

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Actually bringing 5 Nigerian Dwarf goats home I have made a deposit on. There are 2 bucks and 3 does.  Be sure to check out the Nigerian Dwarf web page for pictures. Pedigree information will be added in the future.

Chickens in Spring of 2021

I want to continue my Crossbred project by hatching eggs from both pen crossbred pen # 1 and # 2.

I may add Silver Gray Dorking chicks from another farm.

Al the outside pens will be moved to give the outside chickens fresh ground. The space they were at will be additional garden space for 2021.


Aneta has matured and is going to be in training learning to guard the goats. She has shown an interest in them after her initial shock at the strange creature in the barn. 


Cider is on notice to expect to spend time with me. I have missed riding lately. All the horses have been sitting for 2 years. She happens to be the shortest in height, thus the least distance to fall. I am pretty sure even though she has the least training she will be the safest as long as I take slow steps in her training.

Construction Projects

New animals here at CG Heartbeats Farm means new pens, fences, and shelters are needed.  I am currently tossing around the ideas with Brian. To be honest, we are currently in the planning stages. It will be later in the year until any construction takes place.

Gardens for Spring 2021

I plan to rent a tiller this year for a few hours to work the ground where the 2 new garden spaces are. Both were home to the outside chicken pens and the soil becomes packed down. I like to till the soil well one time before the first planting. After a garden has been used one year I found I can manage new unwanted growth with non-motorized hand tools.

I am excited to be planting seeds I saved from last years harvest. Included are Toyko Green Cucumbers, Glass Gem Popcorn, Kentucky Red Peanuts, Heirloom tomatoes, Lincoln peas, Sorghum, Marigolds, and various herbs.

I will be planting other seeds as well, many which are heirloom seeds too.

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