Seasons ~ Summer 2020

Summers bring heat and humidity to northern Indiana. While I enjoy warm sun on my skin, I do not like the sweat, dripping days of high humidity. I have high expectations for summer 2020 homestead goals I want to complete no matter how I try not to.

My biggest health challenge in summer involves drinking enough water, napping and resting when I need to in order to feel good enough to work hard.  Perhaps I need to define good enough. I need to be able to function with out getting light headed every time I squat down and stand up or running out of breath after only working for 30 min.

To complete a task, I must not be exhausted when I begin. If I am exhausted after, well now, I joyfully see a job complete and happily rest. I bring you my list of hopeful goals for the summer of 2020 at CG Heartbeats Farm.

Animals in Summer 2020

Chicken Goals

Work projects for the chickens involves cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Here is the list:

  • Pen cleaning
  • Deep clean incubators
  • Clean empty brooders

Continue reading to learn where I moved roosters, hens and grow outs into new pens. I have a few Swedish Flower Hen chickens who I will be moving in the coming weeks.

Hatching plans are limited to am going to setting a few Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner eggs and Silver Gray Dorking eggs through the month of August. I may make a few exceptions, but I will be cutting back on the number of chicks I hatch until September

Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners

Sadly, I lost 2 of my 3 remaining hens leaving only one hen here with Cisco and Clinch. I added the 2 cross bred hens to their pen for at least the next couple months. The crossbred hens lay a completely different egg to make keeping the eggs separate easy. Knowing which egg a hen lays preserves the breed integrity.

Combining the pens reduces chore time. I took a planned trip the beginning of July and wanted to make chores easier for those kind people caring for the animals and gardens while I was away.

Silver Gray Dorkings

The Silver Gray Dorkings have shown little fertility this year so I switched up the rooster with the Silver Gray Dorking hens. I have not updated the web page yet, but here is the new pens info.

Silver Gray Dorking

Rooster Cogburn joined his daughter who hatched in January 2019. A younger son of his joined the SGD hens of Pen # 1.  I lost both Mr. and Mrs. McLintock earlier this year.  I am excited about testing the eggs in a few weeks.

Did you know I wait 6 weeks after switching roosters to incubate the eggs?  Unless a hen or hens did not have a rooster with them for the previous 6 weeks, in that case, I do not wait.

Swedish Flower Hens

I am excited to announce a new pen of Swedish Flower Hens here at CG Heartbeats Farm. I am currently deciding on a name for the rooster and the web page is only started. Check out the video showing the pretty flock of blue based Swedish Flower Hens making up pen # 11

Apache, the rooster of pen # 8 passed earlier in 2020, but not before I hatched a son to take his place. At the moment I am unable to offer crested Swedish Flower hens until Apache’s son grows up enough to cover the hens. I hatched and raised an additional hen from Pen # 7 to join pen # 8. She is a pretty black based hen with sno leopard highlights on her neck.


My Great Pyrenees puppy brings joy to my life. She rarely is unhappy, wagging her tail, appearing to smile broadly in welcome.  Her puppy behavior includes chewing on anything in her reach, but she barks deeply, as if already an adult. 

Great Pyrenees

Aneta is not allowed to run unattended, but on a couple occasions her collar came loose. I walked outside to find her hanging out on the farm. I am happy to say she did not run off.  At 4 months old she is still a young pup. Behaviors may change and I continue to learn and enjoy her.

She is not especially fond of a bath. Ah, it looks like we will be training for bath time this summer. She certainly needs them after her digging exploits. The first bath removed much of the hidden dirt. A week later she appears to be in need of bath number 2.


Drifter, Bo, Cider, Rosie, and Dusty continue to enjoy life living a horse’s life out to pasture. I desire to ride again this summer, but I have not figured out how to fit horse time into my schedule.

Gardening Summer 2020

As the Black raspberries began to ripen, I have enjoyed picking and depositing directly into my mouth, thus far. When I had enough picked, I froze all I did not eat for later use.

Garlic Scapes

Raising food in summertime requires watering, weed pulling, and monitoring plants as the grow and produce. Harvest and food preservation happen during summer months too.  I almost daily inspect the gardens for plant development, and of course pull weeds. I do not seem to ever pull all the weeds, but I celebrate those I do.


For the first time you may order garlic online to be shipped in September. Click on a variety of your choice to begin the process.

Spanish Rojo Garlic
Spanish Rojo Garlic

Spanish Rojo Garlic smaller in size has an earthy flavor.

Montana Garlic

Montana Garlic has a mild flavor and 6 cloves per bulb.

Click on the garlic of your choice to pre-order your selection.

Music Garlic

Music Garlic is mild similar to Montana in flavor.

German Garlic

German Garlic provides a strong flavor for stews and other cooking projects.

Limited availibility of all varieties.


I watched tiny grapes appear and disappear on the grape plants this past spring. Something removed them. An insect? What ever the culprit, I only have 3 grapes ripening on the largest of the grape plants. I am disappointed as I crave those delicious Concord Grapes. You can bet I am going to savor the 3 I hopefully eat. 

I know I want to make the task of setting up a trellis a high priority this fall. The grape seedlings I planted are currently leafless. I hope the roots are growing and will survive. I plan to continue working with the grapes for a future harvest. In the mean time I will also eat the wild grapes growing around the farm.

General Farm Work and Area Clean Up

There are always areas around the farm that need to be cleaned up. The heat of summer does not lend to daylong outside work for me. While I desire to tackle these projects, truthfully, they may get put on the backburner for the pressing jobs like weeding, watering, harvesting and preserving.  Fence building and pasture maintenance fall into this time slot as well.

Transplanting Trees

I had a few crab apple trees pop up around the current tree. I want to transplant a couple one to the center of the circle portion of our driveway.


Because a part of my homesteading journey includes sharing my journey homesteading with a chonic illness, I want to tell you about my website summer 2020 homestead goals.

Chick Hatching Practices

In the coming 2 months I plan to complete the finishing touches on the digital course Chick Hatching Practices teaching folks new to hatching chickens how simple and easy the process can be.

Updating to breed and pen page info

Changes to the different pens of Swedish Flower Hens, Silver Gray Dorkings, and Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner create a needed update to the differnet website pages.

You Tube videos

I want to continue adding a weekly video to the CG Heartbeats Farm You Tube Channel. Use the link below to subscribe so you do not miss a video.

10 Reasons to Hatch Baby Chicks

baby chicks are one option when choosing your first chickens

Is hatching baby chicks right for you? Do you want to find a project for your kids to do at home during the coronavirus quarantine? Check out these 10 reasons to incubate chicken eggs and hatch your own baby chicks as an indoor activity for kids.

1. Teach Kids Biology or Science

The process of hatching chicken eggs introduces children to the reproduction process.

2. Teach Responsibility

The steps taken to care for eggs as they incubate teaches children responsibility. If the child will be carring for the chicks after they hatch the lessons in responsibility continue after the hatch ends.

3. Teach How to Deal with Disappointment

A hatch does not always end with every egg producing a chick. This provides an opportunity to speak to a child about how to deal with disappointment.

4. Learn about Candling Eggs

I compare candling eggs to a human ultrasound. Candling offers a look at the different stages of a chicks development as it grow inside the egg.

5. Entertainment

Baby chick antics bring old fashioned entertainment into a home simply by watching them. Holding a baby chick puts a smile on child’s face.

6. Provide Emotional Support

Baby chicks as a pet give a child an animal to cuddle and feel connected with in our current world crisis.

7. Connect with a Child and Instill Confidence

Sharing the process of hatching chicken eggs with a child brings about an occasion to talk with a child, explaining the process and anticipate the end result. You will be doing a project with them. I suggest involving them in the work as much as they are able.  They will develop a sense of confideance.

8. Save Money on Baby Chick Prices

Did you plan to purchase baby chicks anyway? Hatching eggs offer a cheaper option to adding a rare breed to your flock. 

The idea that hatching your own chicks will save you money depends on the price you would pay for chicks, the price of the hatching eggs, and how many chicks you hatch. I share additional details in the course Chick Hatching Practices.  If you are new to chick hatching, consider checking out this course that offers guidance for chicken egg hatching.

Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.

The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!

9. Give Expectation and Excitement during new Stay at Home Routine.

Children face a disruption of their routines as have their parents. Waiting for the chicks to hatch, candling the eggs to watch the chicks development brings a new sense of excitement. Looking forward to chicks hatching affords a distraction from all that is not happening right now. This works on adults too, or it certainly does for me.

10. Income

Sell the chicks if you are not able to keep them. If you live in a place where chickens are not allowed, connect with a homesteader or farm who would be interested in adding the chicks to their flock.  You may be able to keep them for a few weeks before selling them.

You may be able to earn back part or all of the expense incurred to hatch the chicks. Either way tracking expenses and income brings another teaching option in math. A hands on lesson sticks with a person beyond book learning.


Teach patience.

Once you set the eggs in an incubator it takes 21 days for a chick to develop and hatch. The process happens and we all must wait for it to do so. No instant gratification to incubating chicken eggs.

Fluffy and Cute

The ways to enjoy the cute chicks abound from watching them interact with each other to holding them in your lap or perch one on your arm.

Seasons ~ Winter 2020

The first day of Spring came and went with out a thought in my brain that I should write a post about winter accomplishments and progress and a second post sharing the goals here at CG Heartbeats Farm for spring. I enjoy looing back to find encouragement and I get excited thinking of the next 3 months to work, plant, and all of the beauty that comes with spring.

Hatching Eggs

I set hatching eggs the last week in November and really have not slowed down since. I plan to stop setting eggs in June. I had a few hatches that did not go well in terms of numbers. One hatch only resulted in one chick. I felt disappointed, but I learned.

Are you interested in Swedish Flower Hen hatching eggs? Send me an email:

I started looking closer at the size of the air pocket as that can be affected by humidity levels. As I seen a rapid change in the air pockets, I added a small amount of water to the incubators. My hatch rates improved. I have since went back to completely dry hatches. I will continue to do better at monitoring the air pockets of the eggs and humidity in the hatching room.

For those who follow this blog and have inquired about Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners and Silver Gray Dorkings, no good news, yet. The Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners hens have not started laying yet. The Silver Gray Dorking eggs remain infertile. I may need to switch out roosters for a younger one. I hate to do that as Rooster Cogburn has developed into a beautiful boy.

In March, the first crested Swedish Flower Hen chicks hatched from Apache’s Pen. I am looking forward to watching them grow. I picked out 4 crested from the 7 chicks and 4 weeks later I was right on. As to whether they are male or female, well I am not as proficient at that.

If you want to learn about the crested pen at CG Heartbeats Farm use the link below:

Hatching Course

I worked hard over the last few months to finish writing and setting up a course Chick Hatching Practices, to teach others to hatch chicken eggs. I struggled with a title at first. Hatching chicks does not happen perfectly every time, similar to all ventures in life there is always more to learn.  This course teaches the basics with worksheets to help each person meet their personal chicken goals.

Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.

The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!

The material is available now, but I will be adding additional worksheets, printables and videos to what is already there. A huge benefit to purchasing Chick Hatching Practices now includes a low price of $19.99 and immediate access to a Facebook group that allows for space to ask questions of myself and others taking the course. If you are planning to hatch eggs in the coming weeks for the first time or know someone who is, check out Chick Hatching Practices for yourself or share with a friend.


In January I enjoyed the fun of singing with my Mom and Shelia Mullet at a local Jam. It was a lot of fun to spend time with my Mom while praising and worshiping the Lord.

Fiddlin’ Around

I came across an old fiddle and zither online that was for sale. It was a bit of a spur of the moment purchase, but I was intrigued with the zither and the fiddle seemed to call my name. Turned out the fiddle was ¾ size not a full. My fiddle is a full, but I hope the ¾ size may be easier on my neck and shoulder. Time will tell.

The fiddle has gone for needed repairs, but I am told it is finished and plays nice. I look forward to trying it out myself. In the meantime, I have begun playing my full-sized fiddle again. Practicing describes the activity in a better light. I am in need of a rebuild myself when it comes to playing a fiddle.

Chicken Pens

Our rather mild winter, here in northern Indiana, allowed me to leave chickens in the outdoor pens much of the time. The result? More garden space. I am excited to plan just where I will be planting seeds in regard to shadows, sunlight, soil type, and drainage.

My Dad offered me a pen he no longer used and wanted to get rid of. He even delivered it and helped with the toughest part of setting it up. I am thankful for another pen to kill sod and a place to house chickens outdoors.


As I write this post the garlic is up 3 inches in most places. Over the last few months, I have kept the hay chaff hauled out of the barn onto the garlic gardens. I did not get many woodchips out there yet. But there are more to haul.


Rosie, who turns 25 next month, came through winter. I debated last fall if she could. Last Saturday, I turned her and Dusty in the yard to eat a bit of spring grass that has started growing. She took off galloping. That did my heart good and put a big smile on my face.

South Gate Crossing

My friend Julie from Blooms on 800 and I attended a training (Growing herbs and Patio Plants) put on by Bushel Craft Farm at South Gate Crossing. Ginger was on the list for discussion. I have been wanting to plant ginger since last summer. I had no idea I would end up taking some home to plant.

I learned a bit about growing ginger and we each left with a start of Ginger and Jerusalem Artichoke.

To date only the Jerusalem Artichoke sports green shoots, but I gently pulled back the dirt around the ginger finding that it too has begun growing beneath the surface.

A Changing World

Who know a month ago how rapidly our world would seem different? We are in the midst of it now. I hope. My days remain relatively the same. I have chickens to feed, a website to blog on and run, horses, cats and a dog to care for. I refrain from my occasional neighborly visits for now. I probably check in with family a little more often.

The green grass is starting to grow and that looks like money in the bank to me. The faster the grass comes in the sooner I need to feed and purchase less hay.

This morning I took a walk in the woods and along the creek. All is as it should be with spring coming on. There are tiny green plants starting to emerge on the floor of the woods. Water continues to sing as it flows along. The birds sang and the raspberries snagged at my cloths as they always do. I felt peace.

In January I started a workbook study of Philippians titled Joy in the Midst. I am learning and growing although for now it is likely beneath the surface. These past 3 months were good ones and I am thankful for the opportunity to live them.

NOTE: This page or post contains affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase I earn a portion of the money you spend at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

Read in this blog post about my go to incubator in 2019. I include tips I use with this incubator.

The Janoel 12 incubator with chicks I hatched from Pen # 7.

Click on either picture. Purchase your own.

5 Reasons to NOT Assist a Hatching Chick

Last week I shared in a post the 5 Reasons to Help a Chick Hatch (click to read). There are reasons to not give in to that sentimental, nurturing side of us, reasons that make as much sense as do the reasons not to intervene in a chick hatching.  

The reasons I share below go into consideration along with the reason to help a chick hatch when I am deciding each case on an individual basis. My hope is that as you read both the pros and cons your decision will be simplified as you choose what works best for you. In this post, I am always referring to eggs that have already pipped.

These eggs were pipped and the broody hen stopped setting on them.
(Naughty broody hen!)

5 Reasons NOT to Help a Chick Hatch

  1. Breed integrity
  2. Survival of the fittest/Natural Selection
  3. Deformities
  4. Unsure how to proceed
  5. Best Use of Time

Breed Integrity

Assisting a chick out of its shell may create a weaker breed over generations.  A chick needs strength and stamina to work its way out of the shell. Helping out a weaker chick and using it produce a new generation may impact the strength of a breed over time.  I personally have not researched the process, but it makes sense to be that it is a realistic possibility.

There are many factors that go into a chick’s development and hatching some are influenced by the fact we as humans are intervening in the process by using an incubator imitate a broody hen.

Survival of the Fittest? Natural Selection

In the wild the strongest survive through the process of natural selection. When we intervene in the hatching process the natural selection process becomes disrupted.  A valid argument points out we are already intervening by using an incubator.


There are times a chick is not hatching because there is something wrong with it.  Some chicks actually hatch and still have something wrong with them. He development process does not always happen perfectly.

This chick hatched on its own, but the abdomen did not close up properly.

Add to the mix we are hatching chicks away from the natural process of broody hens. We are attempting to recreate the process set in place for reproduction, a broody hen.  Temperature, humidity, air flow, and the turning of eggs all needing to be close to perfect if we want perfect results.

This is a process in itself, the knowing of how to properly hatch chicks from eggs. (See the video below)

The fact that the chick who needs assistance may have a deformity and need to be culled keeps some away from helping at all. I understand, one of the first chicks I helped out, I needed to cull a few hours later. I cried. That is a valid reason to choose to leave a chick to nature takes it course. Even if it is natural selection in an incubator.

Unsure How to Proceed

The fear of the unknown stops forward movement in its tracks. Feeling uncertain of how to perform a certain task brings out the procrastination in me more than I want to admit.  This lack of knowledge or experience of knowing how to help a chick hatch might be the reason you decided not to try.  If this is your only reason, I say give it a try. Look at the process as a way to gain information that you will be putting to use in the future.

Note: This video is not all inclusive of how to assist a hatching chick.

The fact that we are always learning throughout the hatching process is the reason I titled the course on how to hatch chicks, Chick Hatching Practices. It is a practiced skill that continues to teach me and has me asking better questions as I learn.

Best Use of Time

The chick you help out may have problems as I mentioned above. If the chick is savable and has problems, it is going to take even more time to work with it. You will want to make sure it gets a good start in its first few days of life in the brooder.

It may even need to be separated for a period of time to keep other chicks from harming it and to ensure it has access to enough food and water.  If it has a handicap of sorts, the chick may have a difficult time fending for its self in a group of chicks.

Have you ever seen the way little chicks boss and push each other around? They are ruthless. So, if you help a chick hatch that is struggling you have created more work. To give the chick a fighting chance you might need to provide feed and water in a separate, second pen. Do you see how the extra time adds up quickly? This may be a reason to not help a chick hatch based on the season of life you are in, your schedule, or lifestyle.

Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.

The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!

Did you see last week’s post of 5 reasons to help a chick hatch? Check it out here:

5 Reasons to Help a Chick Hatch

Consider the following scenario, you have researched hatching eggs and incubators, made your purchases, incubated eggs for 21 days. now there is a chick that has pipped the shell, but has made very little progress in the last 24 to 26 hours. Should you help it out?

To be clear I am speaking only of eggs that have pipped through the shell.

5 Reasons to Help a Chick Hatch

  1. The chick has pipped in a bad spot
  2. Last of a bloodline
  3. Limited eggs available
  4. Limited fertility in a rare breed
  5. You know human error played a part

You are Feeing Sentimental About this Chick

Perhaps the little chick has tugged at your heartstrings as you watch its effort to break out of the shell. I know I have felt that pull of desire to come along side in their struggle to make sure the chick lives or has a chance to. Maybe it has been 36 hours since you noticed the egg was pipped. While the chick has tried valiantly to work its way out, it has made only a slight progress. Lets look at 5 reasons why you would help a chick out of its shell.

First, I offer a word of caution that I plan to address further in a future post. If you help a chick out, be prepared for potential deformities. There are several reasons not to help out and only allow the strong chicks to survive. In certain cases, an argument can be made for an exception such as if a hatch temperature or humidity create difficult circumstances for a chick to hatch.  

The Chick has Pipped in a Bad Spot

Chicks may not be positioned correctly in the shell. They then pip down toward the pointy end of the shell. Not an optimal way for chicks to hatch. They are supposed to pip nearer the top or rounded part of the egg.

This picture shows a shell that a chick pipped in the bottom part of the shell and still made it out on its own.

When they pip toward the bottom or the pointy tip of the shell a  chick has a harder time working its way out.

This picture shows the same egg next to an egg shell that a chick pipped and zipped out of correctly.

One time only there was a chick that pipped at the bottom that I helped out. One of its little legs was up over its head, completely in the wrong spot. I aided the chick by supporting it with props until it could adjust to proper leg use.

Last of a Bloodline

Perhaps one or both of the parents are deceased due to a predator attack or age related death. In this case, I consider the value of continuing a specific blood line.

Limited Eggs Available

There may be limited eggs available from this group or from a certain breed. Perhaps you paid a large sum for the eggs and only 2 eggs are pipped.

Limited Fertility in a Rare Breed

A specific breed may be struggling with fertility or even faced with extinction. If fertile eggs are truly rare, that may be a time to assist a pipped chick with hatching.

You Know Human Error Played a Part

When we incubate eggs we are in part, taking over for the natural course of a broody hen hatching her eggs.  Inconsistent, or incorrect air flow, humidity, egg turning, and heat all impact the development of a chick, it’s strength and subsequent hatching. There are times that I have helped a chick hatch knowing that human error created the difficulty to begin with.

These are a few reasons I would help a chick hatch. Do you have additional reasons you would assist a baby chicken out of the shell? If so, please leave a comment below.

Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.

The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!