Swedish Flower Hen ~ Pen # 7

As of March 2019 this ‘pen’ is actually a pair, but I plan to add more hens as I hatch them from Pen # 4. The rooster hatched from Breeding Pair # 2 and the hen (in the future that will be plural) hatched from Pen # 4.

These two can not be replaced as I no longer have the father of the rooster or the mother of the hen.

I will continue to add pullets to this pen as they become available. The pullets and hens of this pen will continue to be produced from Pen # 4.

Offspring of Pen # 7

I set the first 2 eggs she laid. Both were fertile, but only one hatched. Perhaps I was pushing my luck trying to hatch the first and second eggs a pullet laid. I ended up with one chick. Perhaps not.

The next time I hatched 4 out of 4 (Pen # 7) eggs that went into lockdown. Aren’t they cute? Interesting how they all look a bit different and yet they have the exact same parents. They hatched on March 6, 2019.

This pen that is currently a pair has produced pretty pullets this year with over 50% sno leopard.

Pullets from Pen # 7

Pullets I keep will move on to Pen # 8 here at CG Heartbeats Farm

Cockerels from Pen # 7

Are you interested in hatching Swedish Flower Hen eggs from this pen? Or if you have any questions about this pen or other pens here at CG Heartbeats Farm please contact us via email at cgheartbeatsfarm@dontclipmywings.com or on Facebook A Country Girls Heart ~ Beats that Matter or on Instagram @countrygirlheartbeatsfarm

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Read in this blog post about my go to incubator in 2019. I include tips I use with this incubator.

The Janoel 12 incubator with chicks I hatched from Pen # 7.

Click on either picture. Purchase your own.