Janoel 12 Incubator Review and Helpful Tips

Janoel 12 incubator with hatched chicks

Read what I like and do not like about the Janoel 12 Incubator. I share a few tips I have used to help this incubator work for me.

While I have used different incubators, I have found the Janoel 12 to be my go to incubator right now. To be open here, I have used the Incuview (plastic), and the Little Giant Styrofoam incubator with the addition of a fan. I have listened to others experiences with different incubators. Of course, the price has influenced my personal incubator purchases.

My flock of 3 heritage breeds consists of breeding pens made up of 1 or 2 roosters with 1 to 6 hens.  To clarify I do not put one hen with 2 roosters. Due to the smaller pen sizes and my desire to track what chicks hatch from each pen, I like the incubators that hatch a smaller number of eggs. I share this to provide a picture of where I am coming from with my current goals.

What I like about the Janoel 12 Incubator

1. Price

I find it hard to beat for the price of slightly over $50.00, based on what I see available on the market. This incubator has an auto turner, temperature settings can be modified and a display of real time temperature.

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Learn more by clicking the picture above.

2. Auto Turner

The auto turner provides room for 6 to 12 eggs. I say 6 because with larger eggs that is about all that fits on the turner. Given the fact I may only have 5 or 6 eggs from a specific breeding pair, this incubator serves an important purpose on CG Heartbeats Farm.  I have found a way to place close to 30 eggs in the Janoel 12 incubator. See my Tips for the Janoel 12 Incubator in this post.

3. Bottom Half Cleans Easy

I love the how easy cleaning the bottom of this incubator is.  To start I dump out the water and mess. I spray outside with a garden hose. Next, I put apple cider vinegar in the bottom and the amount varies based on how dirty it is.  I fill almost to the top with water and allow it to soak for several hours. The mess simply does not stick to the sides or interior bottom. The tray takes a bit of scrubbing with a brush to get the stubborn stuff off. I wipe the legs of the hatching tray with a paper towel. I also wipe the bottom half inside and out to dry it.

4. I Hatch Chicks with the Janoel 12

Examples include a hatch that started with 14 eggs, 2 were not fertile, at lockdown there were 11 viable eggs and the end result was 9 chicks. In another (1 time) instance, all 10 eggs hatched. I generally have a decent hatch rate with this incubator. There are several factors that influence how well a hatch goes. I will share that the first couple times I used this incubator I was not successful. I needed to determine the right amount of water to add at lockdown and I share that later in this post.

5. 360 degree View

Janoel 12 with chicks

The sides provide a view all the way around the incubator.

6. Adjustable Spacing in the Janoel 12 Turner

The spacers in the turner allows the width of each row to be a custom fit.

A way to adjust turner spacing on the Janoel 12

7. Durable

The longer I use this incubator, the more I am impressed with its durability. I have hatched in my original incubator for 3 years, gaining multiple batches of chicks each year.

Purchase your own Janoel 12 Incubator by clicking the picture.

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What I do not like about the Janoel 12 Incubator

1. Cleaning Inside of the Top

Janoel 12 cover

Cleaning any part of the top requires a screw driver to remove parts. It is simple to take part and put together, but more time consuming due to needing to remove several screws. I do not clean the top every time.

2. Lack of Setting Options

While the temperature is displayed and can be changed, that is the only setting. This model does not provide other settings such as a count down to hatch day, or a setting based on current room temperatures. There is not a humidity reading or a way to automate humidity levels. I have experimented with how much water to add at lockdown, based on the climate here in northern Indiana.

3. Not made in America

I like to purchase products made in America. This incubator is not.

4. Harder to See

While there is a 360 view of the eggs, the durable plastic has a bit of smoky haze when looking through it or taking pictures. The view is not as clear compared to other incubators I have used or seen used. I have noticed after several hatches the plastic becomes scratched, clouding the view.

Tips for Using Janoel 12

How to fit 20 plus eggs in the Janoel 12 Incubator               

If I remove the tray the turner sets on and place in the hatching tray, the Janoel 12 holds 20 to 25 eggs. The eggs need to be hand turned. I try for 6 times a day, but fall short some days.  This starts a larger group of eggs. Often when I use this method, I know that it is likely not all eggs will be fertile. If the number of fertile eggs drop low enough after a week, I begin to use the turner.  If not, I am committed to hand turning the eggs until lockdown.  Either way, I end up with a higher number of chicks compared to only using the turner from day one.

Janoel 12 with eggs

Adding Water at Lockdown

I have found the best hatch results by adding ½ cup to ¾ cup of water at lockdown. The room humidly plays a part in my determination. To date, I use the dry hatch method. I may add a ¼ cup water on day 17 depending on the size of the air cells when I candle. If I do, I would only add ¼ cup to ½ cup more at lock down.

Note the incubator in the picture is not on a level surface. The water level is not equal but this is a general idea of what it looks like.

Maintaining a Hatch

The eggs often become bunched when using the auto turner. Maybe I do not have the spaces set correctly? I am not sure if that is the cause. I check the eggs once a day when they are on the turner and place them in a better spot.

“I like this incubator so well I have three.”

Maria Graber
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In Conclusion

The Janoel 12 has been my go to incubator this year. I even purchased a second one in April, to hatch out different batches in. As I said, knowing the chicks correct parentage ranks high for me and the Janoel 12 helps me meet this goal. Is it a perfect incubator? No, but when I consider the small amount I invested in each one and all the ways it serves my purposes. I am excited to use the Janoel 12. I would love to hear your experience with the Janoel 12. Please reach out using the form below to send me an email with your questions or leave a comment at the bottom of this post.

Homesteading and Chronic Illness

How do I homestead and balance 3 diagnosed chronic illnesses? Imperfectly!

Taught high standards and a hard work ethic as a child, letting go of perfection proved heartbreaking at times and freeing at others.

Homesteading lifestyle does not lend to ease and comfort on a regular basis. The rewards of opening a jar of home canned tomato juice, drinking my fill, savoring the flavor, while feeling thankful I know exactly what is in my healthy drink motivates me to take one job at a time.

For the fun of jumping ahead: the result. From a heaping 5-gallon bucket of tomates I now have 6 quarts of tomato juice and 7 pints.

Many steps and a bit of hard, uncomfortable work goes into the delicious drink I canned myself.  Planting seeds, weeding, watering as needed, picking tomatoes, and the work of actually processing and canning the juice.

Knowing the reward of healthy food options and a feeling of accomplishment for a job completed keeping me moving when my body aches, my head feels dizzy and I am simply tired.

Get a FREE PDF on how to preserve Stewed Tomatoes.

12 steps complete with pictures.

Get your copy today!

There are days I need additional rest, days the best thing for me is to be up and moving however slow I may be.  There are days I feel like I used to. On those days I often become wonder woman for a few hours until reality catches up with me. 


Realty might hit me in the form of a low sugar, or becoming so tired I can. Not. Go. another step. It often appears to come on sudden, but in truth many times I am busy celebrating all I am accomplishing. I miss the signs, or I ignore the tiredness lurking because my focus keeps them at bay. Reality might be a high sugar level for unknown reasons requiring me to rest or extra sleep.

Reality means I do not have the same number of hours available for hard work I used to have. In certain moments it means pushing myself because when caring for animals and raising your own food there are windows of time where tasks must be completed.  A time for extra rest will be required for sure when the work is done.

The Hardest Part

The hardest part for me has been letting of my high expectations for outcomes of all I do.  One of the good parts? Learning to see and act on what is important on any given day. What has to be done today? Resting when it is done. 

I brought home my first Swedish Flower Hens in May of 2016. I drove 3 hours to pick up 13 chicks. Pictured about are offspring of those chicks crossed on others I added later.

I might be a workaholic if my health allowed. If you ask my spouse, I am any way. I may need to take breaks before a task is finished or leave things I want done today, for tomorrow. 

A New Direction

The idea of writing and running a website was born only after I realized I could no longer work as hard as I used to.  To my belief my number one asset I brought to a job, was my physical strength and stamina. It sent me for a loop when I realized I could not longer push through anything I choose to.

The realization came on over a period of a week or two. I was working at a factory learning a job I would have not had a problem with in the past. Sanding a trailer should not have been out of my range of capability.  Instead, I learned I had contracted mono.  I was let go from my job with the understanding I had the option to return when (if) my health allowed. 

I did not return. Six years later, I do not believe myself capable of doing the work. 

Blooms from Ashes

Roses will bloom again, Just wait and see, Don’t mourn what might have been, Only God knows how and when, but roses will bloom again.

~ chorus of song ‘Roses Will Bloom Again’ by Bill Gaither

Recently, I was reminded how events look terrible to us at the time, actually open doors for opportunities we would have never looked for. Loosing my job pointed me in a new direction. I felt lost , my pride wounded. I carried (from God) a belief blooms rise from ashes and good awaited me down the road. 

The road meandered slowly bringing me to my current life.  I did not immediately decide to start a website or homestead. Such ideas came along over the coming year and a half. Implementation itself continues to this day.

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I earned my first income online in 2016 from Swagbucks.

If you would like to learn more, CLICK Here

I write to share my journey and knowledge. I homestead to produce more of my own food. I continue to learn how to improve my writing, homestead skills, and earn a bit of money along the way. I strive to keep the genetics of 3 heritage chicken breeds alive. In my newest venture, I am learning about the Great Pyrenees dog breed as I train a puppy. 

First day off leash, Aneta

I may be slower these days, but I still find joy in a new challenge. Blogging, homesteading, and creating provide me with ways stimulate a desire to see what lies around the next bend.  I have a couple ideas up my sleeve for the remainder of 2020.  Stick around to find out what they are.

Are you living life with a chronic illness or two? How do you make the most of your life?

Fall 2019 ~Looking Back

I am good at coming up with ideas, as many are.  I simply do not accomplish everything I think up. Nor would it be wise to pursue every idea. I admit I struggle at times knowing which one is the best to pursue. Looking back at the last 3 months, the first thing that comes to mind is all I did not get done.

If I think a little harder, I realize I spent hours learning. Learning about how to improve this website and create a unique homestead.

One day, stands out as I spent time with my Dad working outside. With his help, several tasks were accomplished. In recent weeks I spent time connecting with family who are in the area for 5 weeks. Never wasted time in my opinion.

While composing this post I looked back at Fall 2019 where I shared my goals for the upcoming season. I found myself surprised at all I did complete and feeling good about it.

Completed Fall Projects

Moved 4 Chicken Pens

The chickens have proved faithful in dulling sod growth and killing it off to create garden space. If I get a bit creative, I might be able to use the horses for that purpose, too, for a larger area of ground.

This fall I moved the 4 outdoor chicken pens constructed of dog kennel panels and netting with odds and ends as entertainment and shelter in the pens.

Planted Blackberries

I am excited to now grow black berries here at CG Heartbeats Farm. They were a gift of sorts. I dug them up at a friends house who is moving.

When not pruned they mulitlply quickly. Oh, how I know this as I neglected to prune the black raspberries I have until this past spring.

Planted Red Raspberries

While I had a few red raspberries last summer, I went from 3 plants to planting almost 20 this fall. Actually, my Dad helped me greatly that day. He dug the holes and we both filled the dirt in around the Raspberries plants. I added compost from the pile to the hole, serving 2 purposes. The compost soil provides nutrients.

I did not work the ground before planting the berry plants, the compost added a fluffier soil for the roots to take hold in. I have read there are benefits for garden dirt be turned over and to opposite that the soil becomes disrupted when turned over.

To be honest, I did not work that ground before planting for the simple reason of time and energy. I suppose come spring I will know for sure how the berry plant roots did over the winter.

Planted 350 Garlic Cloves of 5 Varieties

I found hard neck garlic does well here when planted in high well drained ground. German, Montana, Music, Spanish Rojo, and, new this year, Elephant.  I look forward to offering garlic here on www.dontclipmywings.com for purchase. Garlic ships well and will be ready in September on a yearly basis.

I have started hauling hay chaff from the barns to the garlic beds. I cleaned up where the wind had blown hay over time outside of the paddock where the horses eat. I find the need to become creative in finding cover for the garlic beds as they are larger this year.

Planted Egyptian Onions

In October I planted Egyptian onions for a first on CG Heartbeats Farm. I wanted to plant these for over a year. I feel excited to have obtained starts this year from Heirloom Solutions.

Hatched Chicks

Two batches of Swedish Flower Hen chicks arrived in December. Both 6 in number for a total of 12 chicks. I used the Janoel 12 incubator to hatch chicks from Cherokee and his ladies.

  The first chicks from their pen arrived the end of September. I tried hatching Silver Gray Dorking eggs from the pair, with no fertility showing up. Most of fall, the older hens were in a molt. I only recently started incubating SGD eggs from pen # 1.

Chicken Pens

I cleaned the 3 of the 5 brooder tanks and all 3 are currently in use. I will continue to work on cleaning indoor pens. Cleaning the floor and walkways of the chicken barn is an ongoing project.

December 26, 2019 the temps were around 60 degrees. My heart full from a beautiful time with family on Christmas, I woke up ready to get to work. Brian and I worked together to replace the leaking water hydrant by the chicken barn.

I reconstructed the Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner outdoor pen.  Days like this are on my top ten list of favorites.

Plant Flowers

The flower bulbs I ordered became unavailable. I found a sale at our local Tractor Supply Company. I plan to plant them this week. The ground still unfrozen allows for planting bulbs. What did I pick out? Daffodils, Anemone, and Crocus.

Carryover Projects:

Grapevine Post

One Concord Grape plant has grown large enough to begin training it to a wire. In this area I am going to train one vine upward (perpendicular) on several wires. In the future, side branches will be trained along the wires paryell to the ground. For now, the next step, putting in posts. Stringing the wire happens after the posts set. At a different place on the property I hope to one day have an arbor to walk through under grape leaves.

Fence Construction

I have material and plans to improve existing fence lines and install new ones. In the past I did most fence work in the fall. Zero fence work was completed in Fall of 2019. I keep reminding myself this homestead is a marathon, not a sprint.


I mentioned I wanted to dig up Sassafras trees to use the roots to make tea. That did not happen, yet! The trees are still out there. I intend to have sassafras tea in my future.

Clean up Around Barns

We started this project by cutting down the unwanted trees that popped up. The remainder will wait or perhaps the weather will provide a day or two in the next couple months to sneak a bit of ‘warm weather’ work in. The temps were near 60 degrees on December 26th.

A prickly bush needs to be removed, the container garden area project near the chicken barn seems ongoing.

Moving Cement Blocks

I started a container garden 3 years ago by dumping the sweet potato buckets into it as I harvested.

With the amount of dirt I dumped this year, the raised bed is ready for an additional row of blocks.

Barn Roof

One barn roof, long overdue for repairs did not receive the required attention this year. I feel disappointed and want to see that barn addressed this year.

Fall Harvest

I completely enjoyed the beauty of Fall 2019. The day I harvested sweet potatoes, onions, and carrots I watched our first snow fall of the season. I became chilled, but pressed on taking time to snap picture of the pretty scenes.

That day was not the only day I enjoyed fall but I think it was the most memorable. All of my senses came alive. I smelled wet soil as I dumped buckets harvesting the sweet potatoes. I intentionally breathed deeply inhaling the odor only onions produce. I felt the dirt dry my hands and stick under my nails. I looked around at the display of color enhanced by the white of falling snow. I created a bit of art as I hung the onions to dry before taking them inside. I heard roosters crow and hens cackle as I worked. I listened to the quiet that encompassed my work as the rain that turned to snow softly fell. I did not actually taste any of the food I harvested, but imagined I did. I felt blessed as I worked.

Winter Season ~ Goals

Winter Solstice

The shortest day of the year has come and gone, Winter Solstice being yesterday.  I do not mind the short amount of sunlight as much as I do the days of temperatures below 20 degrees (and lower) that often follows in January and February. Being honest I hope for one of those winters when the temps hit a high above 32 degrees at least once or twice a week.  Life caring for animals becomes much easier when above freezing.

Christmas, only days away now, seems to fade quickly by mid-January. As I look ahead to the coming months of colder weather and snow, I think about what goals and plans provide growth on the homestead. I think of ideas that I can share here on the blog where we can grow our homesteads together.

If you have followed me here at CG Heartbeats Farm you know that 3 rare chicken breeds make up a part of the current focus. The prolific Swedish Flower Hens, unique Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners and beautiful Silver Gray Dorkings keep me hopping.  In the last year I struggled to produce Silver Gray Dorkings (hatching 3) and Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners (hatching 0).

As I look to the coming months, improvements will be on my mind. I know this year I need to take a look at the 15 breeding pens of Swedish Flower Hens and make cuts. I am going into this winter with around 30 pens. That means 30 frozen water containers. Honestly the word that comes to mind with that fact is, YUK!  I committed to telling myself that ‘there is no such thing as too cold, just not enough or warm enough clothes, for this winter’.

What to look for on the blog in the first 3 months of 2020:

  • 1) Chick Hatching Practices, a course sharing the basics of how to hatch chicks, including preparing to hatch and brooder ideas and immediate care for the first week.
  • 2) Info on the specific breeds I raise
  • 3) General chicken info
  • 4) Seeds selection and garden planning
  • 5) Homestead planning in terms of layout and how I intend to put to use what I have. Perhaps even a quest post or two on how others use their land to the best of its ability. Do you want to share a post here telling how you have put your homestead to use? Shoot me an email at maria@dontclipmywings.com or use the form provided below.

Farmer’s Markets in the first quarter of 2020?

In the coming months I debate attending local farmers markets.  I believe in their importance. I enjoy connecting with other vendors and customers.  I met amazing folks when attending farmers markets. For now, I am taking a break to focus my attention on the homestead itself and this website. I look forward to attending at least 1 market on a regular basis in 2020. I may wait until summer to begin attending.

Winter Homestead Goals

I want to pick up where I left off, walking the property and giving thought to the best uses of the land. I came up with a few neat ideas last year, but as the markets went into full swing, I became distracted with the every day work. Those daily walks shorted into simple checks of all the current vegetables and chickens.

I hope to move cement blocks to provide a wall where I have already increased the level of the container garden I am building. 2019 marks the 3rd year that I emptied buckets of sweet potatoes to create this raised bed.

Cleaning chicken pens (it is an ongoing thing around here)

Hatch Chicken Eggs

CG Heartbeats Farm now has three Janoel 12 incubators and an Incuview to hatch eggs. No bragging here, but it is a fun to have options to provide chicks for others who do not want to hatch their own. I would like to add the Nurture Right 360 in the coming months. This is how I provide chicks and fill orders for those shopping.

Read in this blog post about my go to incubator in 2019. I include tips I use with this incubator.

The Janoel 12 incubator with chicks I hatched from Pen # 7.

Click on either picture. Purchase your own.

I am excited for the Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners hens to start laying again. I picked up Cisco and Clinch last summer (2019). They were not mature enough to cover hens until November and by then the hens were in a molt. I am looking forward to hatching eggs with Cisco and Clinch covering the hens.

Clinch on the left and Cisco on the right.

For the first time CG Heartbeats Farm will offer crested Swedish Flower Hens from Apache and his hens. This pen currently consists of 2 hens from Pen 7 and a crested rooster (Apache) out of eggs I hatched from My Flower Farm (Lisa). The way the crested gene works eggs from this pen has a 50% chance of producing a crested chick. I plan to add additional hens to this pen in 2020 as I raise hens from Pen # 7. I would have more already, but I sold a few I raised.

Selling Eggs

Did you notice you can order and pay for eggs through the website now? I intend to set it up so that you are able to order eggs from each pen. At the moment it is only Swedish Flower Hen hatching eggs in general, but I want to make each pen available in quantities of 6, 12, 18, or 24. In this way a person can customize their order. Look for this feature coming soon. Until the other breeds are producing better, they will continue to be an unpaid wait list.

Starting Grape Plants

I have one grape plant needing to be pruned, with those cuttings I intend to start additional plants in the coming months.  I want to produce Concord grapes for the simple fact, I like to eat them!! No marketing strategy in mind, just my taste buds driving my desire.  I have fond memories of drinking homemade (and home canned) grape juice while eating popcorn at my grandma’s house on Sunday evening. Fond memories may drive my interest in producing Concord grapes.

I will continue with raising heirloom tomatoes, even though I do not know what variety they are.  I like them too much to change to a different variety this year. My thoughts go like this: I may save seeds from the current variety (unknown) and in 2021 try a new variety, saving the seeds from 2020 to use in 2022.

Homestead in General

I have a few carryover projects from fall that if the ground doesn’t freeze, I would be trilled to finish.

  1. Constructing support for the one grape plant that has flourished. The other ones are coming along slowly.
  2. Fence work for horse pastures and cattle that I plan to purchase.
  3. Work on the container garden area.
  4. Set up additional outdoor pens for spring and the occasional nice winter day.
  5. Condense indoor pens to make room for the extreme cold weather days.

I have 10 different seed packets donated by Baker Creek seeds. Three that I am excited to try are Flax, Sorghum, Peanuts.  The fun part of this for me is that each of these have the potential to set me up for my own seeds as these are all heirloom plants. I can save seed and increase my crop in the coming years much in the same way I did with the 5 garlic varieties. Look for a blog post(s) in the fall of 2020 on these 10 different seeds I will be trying here at CG Heartbeats Farm. I will be starting these plants indoors in the coming months to give them a head start on the growing season.

What homestead expectations, goals, or dreams do have for the coming months? Leave a comment at the bottom or use this form to send an email.

A Backyard Chicken Needs….

What do you really need to raise chickens in your backyard?

A chicken has 3 basic needs shelter, food and water. Water being the most important in my opinion. Preventing and treating sickness, treats and all the extras such as a swing or other novelty can be examined another time. For this post, we are taking a look the bare minimum a chicken requires. Clean living environments include clean, fresh water, and clean, dry bedding. By providing a clean place for your chickens to live, you greatly reduce odds of loosing them to coccidiosis, other parasites, and disease.

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Protection from extreme weather and predators

A great example of providing protection both outside space and inside at
Blooms on 800

A shelter provides protection from inclement weather and predators. The first thought we may think of a shelter as a way to get out of the sun or extremely cold temperatures, however as a small prey animal chickens need a safe place to live.  Foxes, racoons, mink, weasels, bears, coyotes, wolves, hawks, eagles, and ’possums all happily make a meal out of chickens.  Personally, I have lost birds from racoons and hawks. While the ’possums raid the cat food here, to date they have left my chickens alone. Others folks have shared that possums have indeed killed and eaten their chickens.

Chicken Coops

One can be extremely creative when providing shelter for chickens. Any shape, size or materials can be put to use.  Here are a few guide lines to follow.

All pens and netting pictured here will go to a new location. This is an example of temporary pens which are moved 2 times a year. These are what I consider 3 season pens. I do not leave chickens in this environment during extreme cold.

Adequate size based on the number of chickens that will live there is influenced by how much of the time chickens spend in that area. Is this the only space they have? They will need more room compared to chickens who only enter to roost and lay eggs. Giving chickens time to roam outside either in a fenced covered area or free range allow for a smaller shelter for actual night time roosting. I have encountered various guide lines as to how many square feet each chicken needs.  In raising 3 breeds of chickens, I found the active Swedish Flower Hens benefit from more space compared to the more docile Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners.  No matter what breed the chicken is they benefit greatly when given the opportunity to move around freely. Not all chicken breeds like to roost, but many do. Provide a place where they can congregate at night up above the ground level.

Wood Shavings

Clean, dry bedding keeps chickens their healthiest. Bedding choices include sand, and wood shaving as two commonly used.  If you use a different bedding be sure to leave a comment below sharing what has worked best for you.

Hens appreciate a private place to lay eggs as pictured above.

Materials used to provide shelter for chicken vary from wooden structure to plastic. The important part of a shelter is protection from heat, cold, rain, and predators. The sky is the limit as to what a person might create within the following parameters.

  • The roof should not leak.
  • Do not seal an enclosure up with no air flow. Ventilation provides fresh air, but too much draft in the winter time would make it harder for the chickens to stay warm. Speaking of winter temperatures, despite housing my chickens in a double walled barn when temperatures drop down to – 30 degrees my roosters have suffered frostbite on their combs. I may try a crocheted cap for them this winter. While I like the idea, I foresee they may not.
  • If a shelter has an external fence and the chickens only stay inside, as mentioned above, the actual shelter may be rather small. Chickens like to huddle together when it is cold to stay warm.
  • A fenced area ideally will have a cover over head. A netting, wire, metal, wood or any combination of will keep out hawks and chickens in. I also suggest to create a barrier against any predator being able to dig under the fencing.

What do Chickens Eat?

Non-GMO chicken feed mixed at a
local mill.

Chickens eat a wide variety of foods. Heritage breeds possess skills to free range and scavenge for food. All chickens find seeds and bugs to eat. As a prey animal as we discussed above, if not protected from predators, you must expect to lose some.  A livestock guard dog goes a long way in keeping chickens safe when free ranging. One of my goals is to have a livestock guard dog for the animals on CG Heartbeats Farm. I often do not let chickens out to roam if I am not around to keep an eye in the sky. Hawks fly over multiple times a day here.

Most chickens will need to be fed a milled feed of some kind.  There are many options for feed such as organic, non-GMO, pelleted and whole feeds. Laying hens may benefit from the addition of oyster shells or added calcium. Another idea is to dry and crush up egg shells mixing them back into the feed.

Clean Water

Water meets a basic need of every living thing. From humans to the tiniest plant, we all need water in our diet. Staying hydrated allows for proper healthy body functions in every cell working to keep us alive. Chickens need water.

Providing water for your chickens can be done in several different ways.  I admit I really long to implement a 3 season system here in the future. Chicken waters come in sizes ranging from a quart to 3 gallons and larger.  The perfect size depends on how many chickens you have and how often you want to refill their water. When it comes to going on short trips, I find it wonderful to know they chickens have water that lasts for a few days. Depending on the chickens and the water container, I may refill more often to keep the water clean. Chickens sure can scratch up a mess into their waterers. Water nipples used in various containers, both hanging and sitting provided water without exposing an open source. This makes less of a mess in the water the chickens drink. Using PVC pipe to create watering systems greatly reduces the amount of time needed to do the chores.  Of course, with temperatures below 32 degrees water freezes, creating a different set of circumstances. If you live where temps stay above freezing most of the year, that adds time to your schedule when it comes to caring for chickens. Those of us who live in the part of the world where cold, freezing temps come around every year might complain about it, but we know chores take extra time in the winter largely due to dealing with frozen water for the animals. 

Back to the PVC pipe, drain it before the it is below 32 degrees or risk the pipes cracking. An alternative watering options will need to be implemented when the temps fall below the freezing point. While permanent outside pens are not constructed at this time here at CG Heartbeats Farm, I hope to implement this idea in the future.  Currently, all outside pens are temporary and moved 2 times a year. They serve an important purpose, killing off sod for garden space. Do you have questions about providing for chickens? Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post or send me an email using this form:

Homestead Diary ~ Week 2

Picking up from where I left off last week. If you recall, I had been up late to catch Prince Charming. He is a sweetheart, but such a sneaky boy!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

I woke up at 3:30 am.  I felt horrible and knew a low sugar level was the cause.  I grabbed candy I keep near the bed and ate 4 to 5 pieces several times until I felt my body begin to no longer feel like I was going to pass out.  Next time I was coherently awake was 10 am.  My head hurt.  But nothing like when I had a Traumatic Brain Injury.  That headache hurt on a whole different level.  Now I have to stop and pay attention to notice a head ache.  I ached. A combination of a short night and bad sugar low told me I would have a slow day today.  After caring for animals, I headed into town to work online.   I noticed Sage had stayed in her dog house each time I had looked her way and when I checked on her she lifted her head.  Sage, a blue healer and terrier mix, at 18 years old would not be with me much longer.  I prepared for taking her in the following day to end her suffering.

Friday, August 9, 2019

The dreaded chore awaited me the following morning. I took her water and she drank.  As the day progressed, I processed if this was the best thing to do.  I struggle with these decisions.  Once done they cannot be undone. I value human life and that of animals as well.  I took care to spend time praying for others, my decision and praising God throughout the morning.  I have been nose to the grindstone, but this morning I sat and watched inspirational messages and teachings from the Bible.  I gathered emotional strength.  Making sure all the chickens had water I had 2 tasks at hand: picking up chicken and horse feed, which for some reason I do not enjoy, and the final decision about Sage.  I noticed it looked like she had vomited.  To give you her history, she has had a mass under her belly for 4 years and up until 2 days ago has had normal body functions, eating and drinking.  When I seen she had vomited I knew it was time.  Making the appointment I teared up a little.  In less than an hour she was no longer suffering. I drove her home and I took off to pick up chicken feed. 

I write this and still will be unloading chicken feed and doing PM chores.  I know Brian will be helping me say the final good byes to Sage this evening.  I want to share a bit about her as she brought much joy and laughter to my life.  The first time I met her she barked at me when I left as if to tell me, don’t leave me here.  I suppose the telling of Sage will be another blog post in the future cause as I think about my memories of her, I see 1000 words in my mind.  She was about as bossy as a dog could be, and had a mind of her own.  I was right there by her petting her head and talking to her.  It was about as peaceful as it could be. 

A picture of Sage in her younger days

I believe the Lord has shown me that I have created a habit of avoiding or ignoring painful or uncomfortable situations.  Today I faced it head on, even if I took 6 hours to prepare.

It wouldn’t hurt as bad if I did not love as deeply.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Off to Culver Farmer’s Market where I sold eggs and garlic.  Here I had several wonderful conversations with friends and market patrons.  At the close of market, I hurried on to have a late lunch with family.  I felt wore out emotionally.  I grieved noticing how Sage did not bark at me.  I heard her bossy bark in my head.  Prince Charming escaped Saturday evening again as I headed out to do late chores. I had been resting reading, Betty Zane, a good part of the evening.  I decided to sit out on the porch and read waiting for Prince Charming to show himself and be caught.  At first, I felt frustrated and angry, a product of my grieving process, but as I sat out in the night air, my heart began to feel peaceful.  I enjoyed the story about Betty a frontier girl living along the Ohio river. Her settlement was the first in the area. The story, written in the 1920’s and based on diary entries from the 1700’s of her brothers.  Zane Grey, a descendant of the Zane family authored the story surrounding her historic act. As I understand in the town of Wheeling, West Virginia there stands a monument commemorating the siege of Fort Henry September 1782. This book was one of several that I picked up at the Culver Farmer’s Market. Reading stories of heroes who settled our country revives the pioneer/homestead spirit in me.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A longed-for day of rest, which is what I did, while caring for the animals of course.  A late evening visit at friends, where I took a quick picture of a couple of the pullets, she has from CG Heartbeats Farm stock. After catching up I watched her husband ride one of her horses tracking the hot heels.  Hot heels are a training/practice tool for rope horses. They are usually pulled by a 4-wheeler and imitate a roping steer.  Monday morning as I write this, I again feel a longing to ride.  My work awaits to be completed first.

Monday, August 12, 2019

A hot, humid day with rain in the forecast, but it was after noon, evening and overnight until we happily received 3/4ths of an inch of rain.  I feel deeply thankful for the rain.  I felt super excited to find a Silver-Gray Dorking hen (with a red tag) sitting on the eggs this morning. To this point, I am always excited for a broody hen.  They make my life easier as I have shared.

I moved chicks and grow-outs that are living in tanks outside in cages and began the process of cleaning the tanks.  I first drag to the manure pile and dump, next drag to the side of the chicken barn where I spray out with the hose. This part of the process looks different each time.  It varies how long I soak the tanks, if I use apple cider vinegar to clean, or if I scrub them with a brush.  When they are clean, I drag them near-by, tip on their side, leaving them until they dry.  If I don’t want to use them right away, I store them tipped upside down.  I drag them back into the barn when I use them.  On occasion I will have someone help me carry them which is much easier.  Usually as I am solo, I drag them.  These are plastic 100-gallon stock tanks and not terribly heavy. My cell phone was on the verge of complete shutdown due is age of 6 to 8 years.  At times the screen would go white and I could see nothing.  The evening was spent shopping for a new phone.  I did finally against by wishes, end up with a smart phone. This is my first.  I suppose it will have its benefits, but I like a phone to be a phone…

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Caring for animals, prepping for the evening market, and working on a blog post took up most of my day.

I thoroughly enjoyed Culver Market chatting with other vendors and friends.  I gathered the remaining information I needed to complete the upcoming blog post on this market.  Look for it to post on the coming Monday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

This day has been an almost repeat of yesterday in the fact that I cared for animals, worked on a blog post and prepared for market.  Feeling tired, I tried to stay focused on only what I needed to do.  Do you have days like that?  As drove into Bremen, I was watching the sky (and the radar).  It sure looked like we were going to get hit with rain.  I opted to wait to set until it past.  The rain took its sweet time and it was almost 5 pm before I set up my table.  People started trickling in.  Tonight was FREE cupcake night for school students.  I am certain all were given away.  A cooler air settled in for the night. Upon arriving home, I seen we had been given ½ inch of rain. I feel blessed to have 1 ¼ inch of rain this week.  The ground has been getting pretty dry and now I will be relieved of the duty of watering garden and pots. I had just settled into bed when I heard the chickens carrying on.  NOW WHAT?!? I felt tired!!!!  Dressed and armed out I went to see what was going on…. OH, the pen that has been eating their eggs, had laid an egg and had started to eat it.  To tell the truth, I felt relieved, a bit happy and my rather irritated attitude left. I felt like laughing. I could to back to bed and sleep with no worries of a predator tonight.

A quick word to chickens eating eggs: based on my observations, this act lasts for a season and then seems to resolve itself.  I am not fond of it, but I have yet to have a hen that does not stop such behavior on her own over time. 

Wow, this ends the 2nd week of August. Did you read the first week? Thank you for sharing in this journey via my diary entries.