What Chickens are Right for You?

There are many factors to consider when choosing what breed or breeds of chickens are right for your flock. That sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Your Flock. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding what chicken breeds are right for you. You will also find brief corresponding points to aid in making your decisions.

If you would like a worksheet to answer these for questions yourself, subscribe to our email list.

 Decide on a Breed of Chicken

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    What are your goals for chickens?

    Will your birds be your pets?  Some have chickens merely for the food they provide. others enjoy them as a pet.

    Do you plan to produce your own food with your chickens? You might want to choose a breed for its egg laying ability.  Do you plan to raise them for meat? If so, there are breeds available whose fast-growing heavy muscle patterns make them ideal for eating.

    Perhaps you intend to own chickens for both meat and eggs.  There are wonderful heritage and dual-purpose breeds who lay a decent number of eggs and are delicious to eat. For example, the Silver Gray Dorkings raised here at CG Heartbeats Farm.

    Click this link to learn more: https://www.dontclipmywings.com/silver-gray-dorking/

    Do you plan to raise chicks? If so, you might want to include a breed known to go broody in your flock. Will you be raising chicks to a breed standard, a backyard Heinz 57 mix, or a little of both?  There is no wrong answer, only what you prefer.

    Do the breeds you want play well with others?

    Some breeds are known to be more aggressive compared to other breeds.  If you choose to own more than one breed, you will want to purchase breeds that are able to get along with each other.  There will always be a pecking order among chickens.  One hen will rule the others. There will be one below her in the domination order.  Each hen will have a place in the line down to the lowest. 

    Do you want more than one breed?

    A flock of mixed breeds can be a beautiful thing.  The beauty of a dozen different colored eggs may make the decision for you.  Many find joy in seeing blue, green, different shades of brown eggs and even eggs with a pink tint. The diversity of backyard chicken breeds provide a wonderful way to enjoy owning birds.

    Do you want more tips and fun group challenges? Join the Facebook group Hatching Eggs, Ideas, and Homesteading Practices

    Should your birds be vaccinated?

    To vaccinate or not vaccinate is a personal choice based on several different factors. 

    • Desire to raise chickens completely natural
    • Comfort level with the risk of loosing some birds
    • Desire to have eggs and possibly meat from birds that were not vaccinated
    • Allowing for the survival of the fittest
    • Belief that vaccinating will stop disease from spreading (It has been proven to slow down the spread in the last century.)
    • Over all sustainability of the environment.
    • Loss of money due to loss of birds

    Some breeders vaccinate all chicks, some do not, and others leave the choice up to the buyer.  If you are purchasing older birds and have strong feelings one way or the other about vaccination, make sure to inquire before purchasing.  That goes for any age bird, truthfully. 

    How many chickens do you want?

    This decision will depend in part on how much land you have available.  Other factors include the goals that you have decided on.  If you are breeding chickens, chances are you will have more chickens than an average backyard flock.  If you live on a lot in town, the number you can have will be limited to the size of the coop that fits in your space.  In general, there should be 3 to 5 square feet per bird in a coop and 8 to 10 in a run. If chickens are kept in coop 24/7 the square footage would need to larger per bird.

    Understand that this can vary depending on the size and breed of chicken.  Still, this gives you an idea to base the number of chickens you want to own. Perhaps you live in the country and want to sell farm fresh eggs locally, you may want 50, 100 or even more. 

    Will your flock include a rooster?

    Depending on where you live, roosters may not be allowed due to the loud crowing they are bound to exclaim as morning dawns.  I personally enjoy hearing my roosters crow early in the morning.

    Blue based Swedish Flower Hen Rooster

    A rooster is needed if you intend to hatch chicks to fertilize the eggs.  A hen will lay eggs without a rooster, so if you certainly do not need one for a hen to lay eggs. Will your first

     Decide on a Breed of Chicken

    Recieve a worksheet to help you decide which breed of chicken is best for you when you subscribe to CG HeartBeats Farm email list.

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      Do you plan to free range your flock?

      Traits of a chicken that does well free ranging include high awareness of predators, ability to fly, and of course scratch and look for food.  Some breeds are known to be better as a free-range bird then others. 

      chickens free ranging

      Another factor that influences free ranging abilities is the environment in which they are raised. If you choose to free range your flock, expect to have some loss of life.  The advantages and disadvantages are yours to weigh. 

      One more thought is that if you have close neighbors with dogs, or even not so close this seems to be another disadvantage to free ranging birds.  Even if you choose to keep your chickens in a pen of some sort that does not entire reduce the risk of loss from a predator.

      How many eggs do you consume on a daily or weekly basis?

      Different breeds of chickens are known for how many eggs they produce a day. In recent years, chicken breeds have been developed that are known to be the best for laying eggs, (laying highest number of eggs in the shortest amount of time).  These often lay best in the first year, but after that the number falls of drastically.

      chicken eggs

      Heritage breeds of chickens tend to lay less eggs each year but have longevity to produce eggs for several years. Does the idea of supporting heritage breeds appeal to you?  Or perhaps the desire for large numbers of eggs in a shorter amount of time works best for your goals.

      In Conclusion

      Know what your goals are. Use these questions to decide what chickens are right for you. Decide what is most important for you. Have fun and try new breeds. Maybe there is not a chicken breed that fits your requirements.  If you are up to the challenge, you may decide to create your own breed.  I have. See the post titled Introducing the Lemon Flower Chicken Breed. Click below

      Ten Acres Enough, Homesteading in the 1800’s

      I slowly digested Ten Acres Enough by Edmond Morris in the summer of 2018.  Reading a few pages while I ate lunch or found I needed to sit down for a break.  As I read, I often felt renewed energy and motivation to continue, keep on with the tasks at hand staying focued with the big goals. 

      The end of 2020 is approaching. I find myself looking back at what I accomplished and what goals I want to set for 2021.

      NOTE: This page or post contains affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase I earn a portion of the money you spend at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.
      Pasture on CG Heartbeats Farm
      Current horse pasture, but may serve a new function as the year unravels.

      I gained a new perspective for the property I live on reading thorough Ten Acres Enough. My view shifted. Instead of seeing it through the eyes of where a horse barn, shelters, and pasture could go, I began to see where blueberries, grapes, and garlic might produce the best.

      Click on the picture above to purchase your copy of Ten Acres Enough

      The mistaken ambition for owning twice as much land as one can thoroughly manure or profitably cultivate, is the great agricultural sin of this country.

      Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough
      At least one of the areas chosen to grow grapes

      At times, this homesteading journey can feel a bit lonely, but reading Ten Acres Enough I found a kinship with a man and his family now passed.  After living and owning a business in the city for 20 years, he fulfills a longtime dream of owning farm ground in the country. 

      His farm, he purchased in the 1850’s.  This is no typo.  Nor is the price he paid, $1,000.00 for 11 acres, with a house and barn on it.  The land I have is 11.7 acres and believe me the price was well above $1000.00.

      I found myself inspired as I read Edmund’s account of creating food and an income to support his family by farming 10 acres of land.

      Maria Graber

      Click on the picture above to purchase Ten Acres Enough

      Interesting Facts found in Ten Acres Enough

      Edmund Morris shares not only of his personal experience, but also of farming practices and the economic impact of the last half of the 1800’s. 

      Facts to Ponder

      • produce and fruit prices at that time,
      • the price they paid for manure (that they even paid for manure),
      • weed control methods,
      • how they used manure,
      • how they dealt with insects and worms that damaged crops,
      • their experience (or perhaps inexperience) with chickens. 

      Eventually, Edmund hired not only one, but 2 people to help on only 11 acres.  This was a family with 6 children who also helped.

      Click to order Ten Acres Enough

      The words he used to share his story have added to my vocabulary. Some I have never heard in this day and age and likely will not.

      This book provided me with a new view of our land and produced many new ideas to ponder on. I intend to reread Ten Acres Enough, as I plan for 2021. In the coming months and years I will reference certain practices mentioned though out this book

      It takes a man a great while to learn the way of Providence, and to understand that things are better contrived for him than he can can contrive for himself.

      Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough

      Click on the above picture to purchase Ten Acres Enough

      Winter is Proverbially the farmer’s holiday. But it was no idle time with me. ….. The careful man will find a world of fixing up to do for winter.

      Edmund Morris in Ten Acres Enough

      I recommend this book to any and all who desire a homestead lifestyle.  If you read or have read this book, I would be trilled to hear what stood out to you.

      If you can not afford a physical copy, good news! Written in 1864, prior to copywrite laws, it is considered public domain. It can be read free as an e-book in downloadable PDF form: https://archive.org/details/tenacresenoughpr00morriala/page/n5

      Hatching Baby Chicks

      Do you know what you need to hatch your own baby chicks? If not, read on. If items you will need may be obvious, may I encourage you to give thought to a few details when preparing to incubate chicken eggs.

      4 Items to Hatch Baby Chicks

      • Hatching Eggs
      • Egg Candler
      • Incubator
      • Brooder (for chicks after they hatch)

      Hatching Eggs

      Yes, to hatch chicks you need hatching eggs. I am sure you all are aware.  Let’s consider, for a minute, where you will get chicken eggs.

      4 Places to Obtain Fertile Hatching Eggs

      • Hatcheries
      • Private Breeders
      • Local Private Breeders
      • From your own Chickens

      Commercial operations often offer many different breeds to choose from, both hatching eggs and chicks.  If you are looking for a variety to hatch, here is where you often get the most choices.  Sometimes the quality of the breed may not be top notch as hatcheries often go for quantity over quality.  If you are not planning to show your birds, or breed your birds to a breed standard and want a pretty back yard flock, consider this option.

      Private Breeders

       Private breeders offer a smaller selection of breeds., but there may be several to choose from.  Another option is ordering from different smaller breeders. This can be coordinated so that the hatching eggs arrive at the same time. 

      Local Private Breeders

      If you find a local private breeder producing the breed of chicken you are looking for, you will not have to have your eggs shipped.  This should potentially should increase the number of chicks hatched.  Shipping hatching eggs can reduce the viability.  The local breeder hopefully will package the eggs similar to if they were shipping them.  Even a car ride can cause the eggs to be shaken up a bit.

      From your own chickens

      If you have a rooster, most likely you will have fertile eggs, needed to hatch chicken eggs.  It is possible for a rooster to be infertile, but if so, you have the option to find a different rooster.  The way to find if your rooster is fertilizing eggs is incubate them.

      If you would like to learn more about hatching chicken eggs amd other homesteading practices consider joining the Facebook group, Hatching Eggs, Ideas, and Homesteading Practices.

      NOTE: This page or post contains affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase I earn a portion of the money you spend at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.


      You may click on the link below to order the IncuView Incubator pictured here. I like the large viewing window on the incubator.

      Incubators imitate a broody hen to the best of technologies ability.  There are many to choose from in today’s market.  Some are produced in the USA and others are imported.  Incubators come with different prices tags and corresponding functions.  Often the more automated the process the higher the price.  Particular brands carry a higher price, but with that comes an expectation of superior performance.

      If you are interested in hatching a large number of eggs at one time as in hundreds, investing in a cabinet incubator may be the route you choose to go.

      Features of Incubators: Air quality, humidity, and turning the eggs are all critical for proper incubation.


      Forced air meaning an incubator has a fan moving the air around in the incubator.  This feature promotes incubator air to be a consistent temperature throughout.  It also pulls in air from any available air vents.


      The humidity levels are controlled by adding water. Tools are available to automate that process.  Or another feature may be a exterior port to add water so the incubator does not need to be opened when adding water. A hen will generally get off her next one time per day so I am not convinced that opening a lid to add water is a terrible detriment to hatching success. In fact, there is a newer incubator on the market that can be programmed to intentionally cool the eggs one time a day.


      A tray attached to a motor will turn eggs for you.  If an incubator does not have an automatic turner you are responsible for turning the eggs approximately 6 times a day.  Many incubators can be fitted with a turner.  However, a draw back is the number of eggs that can be fit into the incubator at one time.  As an example, one of the incubators I use is set to turn around 9 eggs, but I can fit around 25 eggs with  out the turner

      Egg Candler

      From setting the eggs to trouble shooting a hatch once it has ended, an egg candler with be most useful. When I started I used a bright small flashlight and went to a light marketed for the sole purpose of candling eggs. I am all about using what you have and when I started a small bright flashlight was what I had. A candler plugs into an outlet instead of using batteries as a small flashlight would. I now use a small bright flashlight once again. I have at times used the light on my phone. If you are interested in saving money, use what you have on hand.

      Brooder with Food and Water

      Once a chick hatches and dries, they will need to move into a brooder. Brooders come in different forms, material and shapes. On a homestead they often are a product of using what one has available and develop out of creativity.  There are commercial brooders that can be purchased at stores. They all serve the same purpose, to provide dry shelter, heat, food, water, and protection from predators.

      Newly hatched chicks need to be provided with a heat source of 95 degrees in a shelter safe from predators. Dry clean bedding, clean fresh water, and chick starter should be in place near the heat source. The temperature in the room needs to be a match for the heat source. A pen that meets the above criteria will qualify as a brooder. What creative ideas have you seen, thought of and possibly used for a brooder? Leave a comment below.

      Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.

      The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!

      Winter Season ~ Goals

      Winter Solstice

      The shortest day of the year has come and gone, Winter Solstice being yesterday.  I do not mind the short amount of sunlight as much as I do the days of temperatures below 20 degrees (and lower) that often follows in January and February. Being honest I hope for one of those winters when the temps hit a high above 32 degrees at least once or twice a week.  Life caring for animals becomes much easier when above freezing.

      Christmas, only days away now, seems to fade quickly by mid-January. As I look ahead to the coming months of colder weather and snow, I think about what goals and plans provide growth on the homestead. I think of ideas that I can share here on the blog where we can grow our homesteads together.

      If you have followed me here at CG Heartbeats Farm you know that 3 rare chicken breeds make up a part of the current focus. The prolific Swedish Flower Hens, unique Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners and beautiful Silver Gray Dorkings keep me hopping.  In the last year I struggled to produce Silver Gray Dorkings (hatching 3) and Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners (hatching 0).

      As I look to the coming months, improvements will be on my mind. I know this year I need to take a look at the 15 breeding pens of Swedish Flower Hens and make cuts. I am going into this winter with around 30 pens. That means 30 frozen water containers. Honestly the word that comes to mind with that fact is, YUK!  I committed to telling myself that ‘there is no such thing as too cold, just not enough or warm enough clothes, for this winter’.

      What to look for on the blog in the first 3 months of 2020:

      • 1) Chick Hatching Practices, a course sharing the basics of how to hatch chicks, including preparing to hatch and brooder ideas and immediate care for the first week.
      • 2) Info on the specific breeds I raise
      • 3) General chicken info
      • 4) Seeds selection and garden planning
      • 5) Homestead planning in terms of layout and how I intend to put to use what I have. Perhaps even a quest post or two on how others use their land to the best of its ability. Do you want to share a post here telling how you have put your homestead to use? Shoot me an email at maria@dontclipmywings.com or use the form provided below.

      Farmer’s Markets in the first quarter of 2020?

      In the coming months I debate attending local farmers markets.  I believe in their importance. I enjoy connecting with other vendors and customers.  I met amazing folks when attending farmers markets. For now, I am taking a break to focus my attention on the homestead itself and this website. I look forward to attending at least 1 market on a regular basis in 2020. I may wait until summer to begin attending.

      Winter Homestead Goals

      I want to pick up where I left off, walking the property and giving thought to the best uses of the land. I came up with a few neat ideas last year, but as the markets went into full swing, I became distracted with the every day work. Those daily walks shorted into simple checks of all the current vegetables and chickens.

      I hope to move cement blocks to provide a wall where I have already increased the level of the container garden I am building. 2019 marks the 3rd year that I emptied buckets of sweet potatoes to create this raised bed.

      Cleaning chicken pens (it is an ongoing thing around here)

      Hatch Chicken Eggs

      CG Heartbeats Farm now has three Janoel 12 incubators and an Incuview to hatch eggs. No bragging here, but it is a fun to have options to provide chicks for others who do not want to hatch their own. I would like to add the Nurture Right 360 in the coming months. This is how I provide chicks and fill orders for those shopping.

      Read in this blog post about my go to incubator in 2019. I include tips I use with this incubator.

      The Janoel 12 incubator with chicks I hatched from Pen # 7.

      Click on either picture. Purchase your own.

      I am excited for the Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners hens to start laying again. I picked up Cisco and Clinch last summer (2019). They were not mature enough to cover hens until November and by then the hens were in a molt. I am looking forward to hatching eggs with Cisco and Clinch covering the hens.

      Clinch on the left and Cisco on the right.

      For the first time CG Heartbeats Farm will offer crested Swedish Flower Hens from Apache and his hens. This pen currently consists of 2 hens from Pen 7 and a crested rooster (Apache) out of eggs I hatched from My Flower Farm (Lisa). The way the crested gene works eggs from this pen has a 50% chance of producing a crested chick. I plan to add additional hens to this pen in 2020 as I raise hens from Pen # 7. I would have more already, but I sold a few I raised.

      Selling Eggs

      Did you notice you can order and pay for eggs through the website now? I intend to set it up so that you are able to order eggs from each pen. At the moment it is only Swedish Flower Hen hatching eggs in general, but I want to make each pen available in quantities of 6, 12, 18, or 24. In this way a person can customize their order. Look for this feature coming soon. Until the other breeds are producing better, they will continue to be an unpaid wait list.

      Starting Grape Plants

      I have one grape plant needing to be pruned, with those cuttings I intend to start additional plants in the coming months.  I want to produce Concord grapes for the simple fact, I like to eat them!! No marketing strategy in mind, just my taste buds driving my desire.  I have fond memories of drinking homemade (and home canned) grape juice while eating popcorn at my grandma’s house on Sunday evening. Fond memories may drive my interest in producing Concord grapes.

      I will continue with raising heirloom tomatoes, even though I do not know what variety they are.  I like them too much to change to a different variety this year. My thoughts go like this: I may save seeds from the current variety (unknown) and in 2021 try a new variety, saving the seeds from 2020 to use in 2022.

      Homestead in General

      I have a few carryover projects from fall that if the ground doesn’t freeze, I would be trilled to finish.

      1. Constructing support for the one grape plant that has flourished. The other ones are coming along slowly.
      2. Fence work for horse pastures and cattle that I plan to purchase.
      3. Work on the container garden area.
      4. Set up additional outdoor pens for spring and the occasional nice winter day.
      5. Condense indoor pens to make room for the extreme cold weather days.

      I have 10 different seed packets donated by Baker Creek seeds. Three that I am excited to try are Flax, Sorghum, Peanuts.  The fun part of this for me is that each of these have the potential to set me up for my own seeds as these are all heirloom plants. I can save seed and increase my crop in the coming years much in the same way I did with the 5 garlic varieties. Look for a blog post(s) in the fall of 2020 on these 10 different seeds I will be trying here at CG Heartbeats Farm. I will be starting these plants indoors in the coming months to give them a head start on the growing season.

      What homestead expectations, goals, or dreams do have for the coming months? Leave a comment at the bottom or use this form to send an email.

      Land of a Homestead

      A homestead lifestyle can be created by almost anyone.  Those with a small lot in town can produce some of their own food.  With today’s technology grow lights even provide a way for people to grow food inside of their houses.  Some towns allow hens for producing one’s own eggs.  Even if that is not allowed one does not have too look far to find a local farmers market where often farm fresh eggs are available.  A drive in the country may reveal signs posted, ‘farm fresh eggs’. There are co-ops to join from which you may purchase farm raised food from both plants and animals.  How can you make little shifts in your lifestyle to create more of homestead life style?  How have I?

      How can I use what I have to produce my own food?  This question has been bouncing around in my head for several years.  Not always about producing my own food, but always about using what I have.  CG Heartbeats Farm is made up of 11.7 acers. 

      The last week of February 2019 I started a new practice of walking around the property to observe and gain a new perspective. The walks are most enjoyable.  I have found them a nice break from getting things done.  I allow my mind to wonder and give my imagination wings.  I pick a certain area to walk.  I have yet to walk it entirely at one time.  One day I may get an idea about one area and other days I simply take mental note of what I see.  There are several subjects I pay attention to as I walk.  Water, air flow, wild life, trees, are observed for future or present potential. Not only do I think about current use of land and use of current buildings, but sometimes give thought to how they could be used in better ways.  As I walk, I ask myself is this pasture best located here, or would this ground be better for growing vegetables.  I also get ideas for projects I want to do immediately and in the future.


      How the water runs, low spots, where it looks like a creek used to be, where water collects after heavy rainfall, how fast does it drain off,

      Air Flow

      Our climate is not extremely windy most days.  We get occasional winds of 50+ mph, but not that strong.  I have noticed where the wind seems to tunnel between buildings where the trees block wind from a certain direction and other spots with block, trees or buildings to influence it.


      Almost half of the acreage is currently woods.  While I enjoy walking in the woods in different seasons, I question if there might not be a benefit of scaling it back along the edges.  Unfortunately, a few years back the Ash bore came through destroying all the Ash trees.  A couple must have been getting close to 100 years old.

      I am always on the lookout for fallen trees.  Several years ago, as I was driving down the road, I could see the topline of the woods looked different.  This prompted me to go look for fallen trees.  Sure enough, one or more had fallen in that area.  It is good to know your property no matter how large or small.  Trees provide a break in the wind to help prevent soil erosion and give shelter to animals.  I like where the trees break up the property into sections.  I think it gives character to the homestead. Where are trees growing that could be harvested and that space would be used for a better purpose.  What do I mean by better?  I consider income, sustainability and producing plants or housing animals.


      As I have been walking around, I have been looking for flat spots to plant garlic and other edible plants. I realized that many areas are not as flat as I would have thought.  In fact, most of this ground has some kind of slope.  Length of slope and how far it falls over that distance determines how steep a slope actually is.  I have not taken any measurements at this time, rather noted the areas that are flat enough to plant in.  I have thought a terrace might be in order where the ground is not as flat.  I am looking at how a given area is used now. How can it be used for a better purpose?


      Not only do I enjoy seeing signs of wildlife, it also keeps me aware of potential predators.  I already know many of the animals that spend time in the woods. The most common are dear, turkeys, racoons, ‘opossum, squirrels, chip monks, and ground hogs. 


      There are buildings that need work and others that are newer.  I like all things old including old barns. I long to fix up one that needs some TLC.  From a practical standpoint, I let my imagination come up with what kind of barn would prove useful.  I have an idea for chicken coops that has only manifested in my own mind.


      Top soil and sub soil influence how well an area of land drains.  Some plants need a well-drained soil while others need greater moister retained in the ground.  In the past while digging fence post holes I have observed areas of this property that has a sandy subsoil and other areas that has a clay subsoil.  This is another place I am giving consideration to the best places to plant specific plants. 


      I have come up new ideas for changes I want to make. One of them was to clean up an old cement pad. I have plans to use cement blocks I already have to create some container gardens in this location.

      Going Forward

      This process is a journey.  Not all of the changes I want to see happen with happen this month or this year.  I have a clearer picture of what this land can do.  I expect I will have new ideas and plans while some current plans will turn into better ones.  I plan to continue walking the property several times a week.  I find it relaxing. In addition, I am provided with an over view of what is going on. I have come across assets I forgot I had.  Seeing them may spark an idea for a project or a new way to use what I have.

      Catskill Homesteader Chickens

      This is a guest post by Maria from Paradise in Disguise Hobby Farm about how she came up with her own chicken breed for her homestead. Her breed is not official in any books, but rather this is the story of a lady breeding for traits that are important to her. Read one way she has made homesteading her own. Be sure to check her bio at the end of this post.

      I met Maria of Country Girl Heart Beats Farm on Instagram due to a #catskillhomesteaderchickens hashtag that I use to tag photos of the “landrace type” chickens I’ve been breeding for over 5 years. A conversation started and she invited me to write on her blog about my chickens.

      This journey to create a landrace started in 2012 with a broody Easter Egger hen named Daisy and a nest of eggs. One of the resulting chicks grew up to be a handsome rooster I named Michael Jessie. I had wanted to try breeding my own red & black sexlinks with pea or rose combs for our cold winters in Upstate New York, but Michael Jessie and his father, a Blue Andalusian, changed those “plans”.

      Michael Jessie

      I realized that while I loved trying all different breeds, each one had pros/cons. And it seemed like the plain looking ones laid the best and the prettiest ones were slackers in the egg department. Through trial and error, plus “research” on Back Yard Chickens forum, I learned the basics of breeding, even though much information was pertaining to pure breeds.

      In 2013, I purchased a Genesis 1588 incubator, more broody hens hatched chicks & I quickly become hooked on incubating eggs! “Chicken math” became a reality as my chicken population doubled during that summer, though many were roosters which ended up in our freezer.

      It wasn’t until the spring 2014 that I began to formulate goals for breeding. Eye appeal was at the top of the list, along with good egg and meat production. Not only did I want colorful chickens, but colorful eggs too! It was also important that they be excellent foragers and not just stand by the feeder all day or constantly preening to look perfect. The other goal was the produce winter hardy chickens that didn’t need heat, weren’t afraid to go outside in the snow and continued laying through winter (except for when molting). I wanted hardy, independent chickens that didn’t need to be “pampered”, but were self-sufficient, adapting to their environment and reproducing on their own, hatching and raising offspring like they were created to do. Basically, I wanted to create the “perfect chicken” or at least what I considered to be “perfect”!
      Things like uniform feather color, leg color, comb type, body type, consistent egg color, clean or feathered shanks – they weren’t a factor. Thus, Catskill Homesteaders could never be a recognized “breed”.

      One important lesson I learned in 2013 was I had a handsome Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster, who was a “runt” as a chick, very slow to feather, but was a favorite because he was very docile and handsome. Unfortunately, his offspring either had a deformity, were also runts or failed to thrive before maturity. There was only one pullet that I kept for breeding, though I wouldn’t have if I knew what I know now. Lesson learned: only breed the very best, even if they’re a favorite!

      Breeding Group # 2

      At that time, I also had several Red Sex Link hens which I hatched from, thinking it’d give me great layers. However, every hen crossed with the RSL ended up having reproductive issues, so they were eventually eliminated from the breeding stock.

      Breeding group #1

      David, rooster of group #1. His father was a Freedom Ranger Rooster

      I also experimented with some Freedom Ranger (slower growing meat hybrids) that were raised by Daisy the broody hen and were very active despite their large size. The 3 FRs (1 too, 2 hens) were crossed with other breeds. I got several generations of crosses from their offspring, though their influence in the present stock is very minimal. But again health issues presented themselves due to them not being bred for longevity. The FR rooster began to have trouble walking around 7 months old and was culled & the two hens died of what I think was CHF/ fluid around the heart. The FR rooster’s son also developed leg issues but not until well past a year old. The FRx hens lived several years before being rehomed & didn’t have any issues I was aware of. One of the great-great-granddaughters of the FRs did become an internal layer/ very fatty after she was 18 months old. So while I considered those crosses a success, long-term the resulting Freedom Ranger offering tended to also inherit some of the shorter lifespan and reproductive issues common with “commercial production hybrids”.

      My goal wasn’t to produce the best layers or best meat chickens, but ones that could lay eggs over a longer period of time even if not as frequently, while the extra roosters and spent hens would provide meat.

      Swedish Flower Hens

      Both Swedish Flower Hens and Icelandic chickens were part of my inspiration for breeding more of a landrace type vs standard breed. I loved all the individual variations within one flock. I had actually considered getting Icelandic chickens, but they didn’t meet two of my most important goals – colorful eggs and decent meat production. I had also found a lady in Arizona who was breeding “Aloha” chickens which I thought were so cool! But she was breeding them to withstand over 100 degrees in the summer, not the below zero temperatures in winter we can have. I even tried breeding pure Swedish Flower Hens and Bielefelders for a few years, thinking they’d be close enough to my goals to satisfy. But I ran into inbreeding issues due to purchasing stock that was unknowingly too closely related. Yet when I crossed them with unrelated chickens, their offspring had great vigor.
      Some of the other original breeds I originally used, now have little or no trace in the current flock. They included Rhode Island White, Partridge Rock, Partridge Chantecler and Dominique, with the later two being more instrumental in the original “foundation” stock.

      Would I do thing differently if I had to do it over? Oh yes! The main thing is I wouldn’t use hatchery chickens, but purchase the foundation breeds from quality breeders. The only exception being Michael Jessie, as he sired chicks until 2017!

      As the years progressed, I outcrossed to better quality, sometimes rare breeds, including Bielefelders, Barnevelders, Buckeye/Buff Orp/EE cross, Swedish Flower Hen and a few others. But, it does takes more work and time to breed for “better quality” than if I’d started with breeder quality chickens at the beginning.

      The challenge now is having enough space for all the breeding groups I want to have!

      Not only do I have stunningly handsome Catskill Homesteader roosters, but I also have out-cross roosters that I want to use. They include an Olive Egger (Marans/EE), Gold Spangled Spitzhauben, Crested Cream Legbar, Blue Wheaton Ameraucana and a Birchen Marans. Except for a few pure or 2-breed cross hens, the hens are multiple generations from the original chickens or even the previous out-crosses.

      Am I pleased with the progress I’ve made in 6 years of “actively” breeding them? Yes. Of course there’s always room for improvement and fine tuning, but any breeder will say that.

      But now, when people ask me what their characteristics are, I reply:
      Locally adapted, winter hardy, “eye candy” dual purpose chickens who are great foragers, lay a wide variety of colorful eggs and will often hatch and raise their own chicks. To me, that’s what a “perfect” chicken looks like!

      About the Author:

      Maria lives on 0.6 acres with her brother Joel in Delaware County, New York, where she breeds, hatches and raises Catskill Homesteader Chickens. During summer months she raises meat turkeys. She has a few quail and hopes to add more this year.

      She juggles working two part-time jobs at the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society and Mandy’s Farm, which consists of yaks, pigs, sheep, donkeys, poultry & 2 barn cats.

      She also has a food waste collection service @delhicommunitycompost, which she is in the process of making into a business. Mix in trying to maintain the house and batch cooking a week’s worth of meals on Tuesday evenings, boredom isn’t in her vocabulary

      Maria writes on her own blog titled Paradise in Disguise Hobby Farm. She has two Facebook pages Catskill Homestead Chickens and Paradise in Disguise Hobby Farm.

      New Farm Activities

      Winter Thoughts

      January was full of ideas and planning the year, as I wrote about in Winter 2019. I also gave thought when the idea of this homesteading journey was just that an idea. I commented on a post on FB recently how a few years ago I was foaling out mares and now I am hatching eggs.  Hatching eggs is far easier to do on my own.  I do sometimes miss the excitement of foaling mares; the tender nickers between mare and foal and all the anticipation, for mares have a much larger window to deliver a foal, as in weeks. A chick on the other hand has a few days in which it may hatch.

      As I look around my farm, I am continuing to give thought to the best places for various plants I intend to grow.  It is easy to look at it as the land is currently being used and work around that, but I need to be looking at it from the ground and below ground.  Where does the soil drain best?  Where is the soil retaining water?  I need to overlook the fact that trees are growing in certain areas.  I did not plant them there and in some cases no one did.  That area was not mowed at one time and trees came up on their own.  Are random trees really the best use of this homestead?  Perhaps not. 

      I also need to research specific plants to know what will grow best in certain soils.  True, some I already know and for those I need to decide a variety. 

      Attending the farmer’s markets last summer and this winter has given me insight as to what I intend to plant specifically due to customer requests, my own observations and the advice of fellow vendors. I also found a community to interact and share ideas with.

      A Look Back at January

      The added work of dealing with frozen water and the extra chores to ensure the animals are cared for in the bitter cold has been the first daily priority.  After that and sometimes while doing chores, my mind continues to toss ideas around. The last half of January came with bitter cold temperatures. In order to care for the animals I found myself in and out all day. It is a season that can sometimes be enjoyed for the slowdown. Recently I was reminded of the importance to enjoy the winter beauty, in spite of the challenges cold weather presents.  I enjoy planning and soon will be ordering seeds for the coming growing season.  In only a week or two I will be planting seeds indoors.

      My time spent on homesteading activities is divided between planning, learning, caring for grape starts, incubating eggs, caring for chicks, preparing eggs to sell both eating and hatching, caring for animals, and working online.  I like to take a few moments to sit and cuddle a cat or watch cute little chicks scamper around in the brooder.  They grow up fast and in a week, they will not be as tiny.

      New for 2019

      As I mentioned, I have spent time over the last month tossing I ideas around in my head.  Adding more than subtracting from my plans for the year.  I started a farm journal this year to keep hatching notes and document other farm activities, extreme weather conditions and plans.  The idea came to me when I learned that Thomas Jefferson kept such a journal that is available to read today.  Now I am not Mr. Jefferson, but I may want to refer back to lessons I have learned.  I do anticipate the notoriety he acquired, but certainly no one will read my notes(including myself) if I do not write them down.  I have found it helps me to remember when I write an idea or fact down.  It also gives me reference should I forget a detail.  I share some of these pages from time to time on Instagram and Facebook.

      Another, new for 2019 aspect of the homestead is a Facebook group I recently started to share in more detail specific ways to help people get started on a homestead lifestyle.  From time to time I will offer free challenges in this group as a way to offer support to those who are not quite sure how to get started on a homestead goal.  If this sounds like a benefit to you, consider joining the group titled Hatching Chicks, Ideas, and Homestead Practices. To easily access this group click on the graphic below.

      I believe one of the biggest changes for this year is less tangible.  It is the fact that I have a better picture of the direction CG Heartbeats is going.  Attending farmer’s markets, played a large part by giving me a broad view of what might be possible.  I learned from what I have seen others doing. Not that I will do things the way they do, but that found encouragement in what is working for them. Slowly digesting the book Ten Acres Enough provided a shift in my thinking.  Learning a bit more about online business, including marketing online, has given me confidence.  I have also learned to invest in myself, after all the one thing constant, no matter what I do, is my mind.  For as long as I am alive on this earth, I intend to do my best to keep my mind with me. 

      I started hatching chicks earlier this year. The second hatch is in process as I am writing. I have a love of all farm animal babies and their birthing process.  I know foaling out mares will always have my heart, but when my life choices take me a different direction, I seem to find a way to enjoy babies in any way I can.

      CG Heartbeats Farm plans to attend additional markets during the week and look into a new Saturday Market. Currently the choice of which Saturday Market to attend is under consideration.

      These are a few of the ideas implemented and others are still being organized. Likely this process will continue throughout the year. What new aspects of homesteading are you adding this year?

      Why Pick Swedish Flower Hens

      A conversation with a friend a few years ago had me thinking seriously about owning chickens.  I was looking for ways to use what I had.  On the homestead stood a 30 by 60 chicken barn with a fairly new roof thanks to my spouse.  It served a place to store hay and many other items.  We called it the shop.  I begin looking at chickens online.  I came across a picture of a hen that reminded me of a pet chicken my sister and I had as a child.  We called her Debbie. A bit of research and I learned the breed of the chicken I had seen Swedish Flower Hens.  The practical side of me held back wanting to learn other characteristics of the breed besides being pretty.

      What I Learned

      Swedish Flower Hens(SFH) came to the United States in 2010 and have been imported at least 4 more times since. This has allowed for a decent size gene pool to work with as a breeder. I have always enjoyed the process of breeding and genetics no matter the species. In the 1970’s SFH’s were found in 3 villages in Sweden.  At that time, they were the only ones in existence in the whole world. They are considered a landrace breed similar to a wild mustang or the Chincoteaque ponies where the breed developed on its own.  A natural selection process in which the healthiest birds survived and the ones who escaped the cook’s pot.  In that manner, humans did intervene to some extent by culling (cooking) the birds of their choice.  That would of course remove a bird from further reproducing of said bird’s genetic makeup.  However, who is to say if that bird had already reproduced and the line carried on?  Swedish Flower Hens developed over years of old from different breeds brought into Sweden.   

      This breed has a 20% broody rate among hens according to documents from Sweden, but certain breeders in the United States have seen a larger percentage in their flock.   There is not a Standard of Perfection (SOP) for this breed, as they are a landrace breed.  In the United States, many enjoy showing their chickens.  There are certain traits found undesirable for the show ring that do not affect a chicken’s ability to survive in the wild.  An example would be a sprig on a comb. The breeding goals of those who raise SFH’s are almost as diverse as the bird itself. Some who raise this breed in the United States work to eliminate springs in the gene pool. Why you might ask? Springs are undesirable in the show ring. Others freely breed those birds who demonstrate this trait or the ability to pass on sprigs on combs.  For this reason, I have posted my Swedish Flower Hen breeding goals at CG Heartbeats Farm for this gorgeous breed. 

      This breed is known for being an egg laying breed over a meat bird.  They do not carry a heavy muscle compared to the Silver Gray Dorking, for example.  It has been said they are better stew birds.  I have eaten roosters that were harvested at 5 months of age.  The meat was not tough, and had good flavor.  I am certain how it was cooked also played a part.  I read the hens lay through the winter and mine have proven that to be true, even when temps are down around 0 degrees. I have not documented the number of eggs specific hens laid in a year, I have read the numbers are 150 to 200 eggs per year. They do not, of course lay through a molt. 

      I read Swedish Flower Hens tend to demonstrate disease resistance, but not a specific disease they were resistant to. They have certainly proved to be a fertile breed. Not only here at CG Heartbeats Farm, but for other breeders as well.

      My first Swedish Flower Hen chicks. I drove 3 hours one way to pick them up. Might be I was well on my way to becoming a crazy chicken lady. I was hooked,

      The more I read about them, the more I learned, I wanted to purchase this breed!!!  In May of 2016, I  purchased 13 chicks, driving 3 hours to pick up them up(pictured above).  I was well on my way to earning the title of crazy chicken lady. I remember the excitement as I drove home and the feeling of starting a new adventure.  I continue to learn about this breed and chickens in general.  All a part of my homesteading journey, I even took a class to become a NPIP tester in the state of Indiana.


      Colors of Swedish Flower Hens

      The beautiful color variation in the SFH breed often draws a person’s attention, as they did me.  The flowery appearance creates a bouquet of beauty in the chicken yard.  I have repeatedly seen questions about the colors of SFH’s.  My goal is to provide picture examples to clarity these different color patterns.  This is not an in-depth article on color genetics, but rather a picture guide.  If you would like your own printable PDF containing more pictures and examples consider signing up for the newsletter.  As a thank you, the PDF on SFH colors is yours to keep. You may unsubscribe at any time.

      Black base mille fleur chick

      Black, blue and splash make up the 3 base colors of Swedish Flower Hens. The secondary color can present in various ways, but one factor remains the same the tips of the feathers should be white giving these birds an appearance of a flower.  Hence their name. Mille fleur, and snoleopard are secondary colors, if you will. They may present themselves on different base colors such as a black based snow leopard verses a blue based snow leopard. The same is true for all the base colors and secondary colors.  To make it super confusing they don’t always present the exact same way.  Both pictured are snoleopard, but the first is blue base and the second is black base.

      I have seen folks new to breed interested in learning the colors.  I am a visual learner and so instead of giving a bunch of genetic info to wade through I want to provide a quick guide. Consider joining the newsletter for CG Heartbeats Farm. The emails will notify you of new blog posts, farm updates. At times, I may make you aware of items that are for sale.

      The purchase of Swedish Flower Hen chicks was one of the first steps I took in living a homestead live style. I was already planted on 11 acres with older buildings and a variety of soils. Bloom where you are planted they say…

      Why would you pick Swedish Flower Hens? Leave a comment with your answer.

      To see the 2019 Breeding pens at CG Heartbeats Farm use the links below.

      NOTE: This page or post contains affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase I earn a portion of the money you spend at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

      Read in this blog post about my go to incubator in 2019. I include tips I use with this incubator.

      The Janoel 12 incubator with chicks I hatched from Pen # 7.

      Click on either picture. Purchase your own.

      Winter 2019

      A new year has begun.  I for one am excited for the blank slate a new year appears to provide.  I have many ideas that have been floating around in my head for the last few years.  Projects I have started, that I will build upon and a few new ideas for later in the year. I to take time to look back at what I did accomplish in 2018. I also took a not so pleasant look at the challenges and problems that arose, some still in need of resolution and answers.  These are common approaches to a venture such as homesteading and many other walks of life.  One benefits from taking time to reflect and evaluate progress and problems.

      Now officially winter, the weather has stayed pleasant.  By pleasant I mean often temps are above 32 during the day.  A warm winter by northern Indiana standards.  I plan to use this time of slow down to work on this website, plant seeds indoors, work in my house, hatch chicks and plan for the coming growing season outdoors.

        Evaluating and planning chicken breeding pens for all breeds

      Swedish Flower Hens currently are by far the most prolific of the three breeds.  I am seeing excellent fertility in the eggs I am hatching. I have 2 breeding pairs, 5 breeding pens, and a trio of this breed. My breeding goals continue to be the same as posted.  I have plans to add an additional line to include crested Swedish Flower Hen.  

      The Silver Gray Dorkings are fertile, but it does seem to drop off this time of year.  I will continue to hatch as many as I can.  I intend to add a line from another farm this year. 

      The Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners have proved to be the breed I am struggling with the most.  I really like them, but need to figure out why the fertility has been low.  I intend to add a line from another farm for this breed as well. I like the eggs they lay and the size of the roosters and hens.

      Deciding on locations for garlic, garden space, and fruit bearing plants.

      I am super excited to have connected with a neighbor who will be able to plow up ground, increasing garden space and breaking up sod in areas where fruit and garlic will be planted. I am going to be in need of a roto-tiller now with all of the added garden space.  I planted around 150 bulbs of garlic this year.  This all fit in approximately 100 sq. feet.  I would like to plant 1/8th of an acre this year if not more.  I intend to plant all the Concord grape plants I can start indoors over the winter.  Right now, I have around 25. 

      A few of the potted grape starts to be planted outdoors in the spring.

      One of my goals includes growing blue berries, at least for my own enjoyment.  I know the perfect location on this homestead for them to thrive, but right now that ground is a part of a pasture. Fencing changes need to happen in order to proceed.  There are existing apple trees and a pear tree that I need to learn how to manage.  The raspberry plants will need to be pruned in the spring.  I am giving thought how to manage the raspberries in order to make picking a bit easier, without completely moving them. They do well where they are located. I would like to plant strawberry plants this year. I will be researching both what variety and best growing habitat before moving forward.

      I intend to plant sweet potatoes in buckets again. I have a small container garden that will provide a place to plant some type of vegetable. I am working on the details of where the main vegetable garden will be located and how large (or small) it will be. I do not have a final list of vegetable to be planted.  These decisions will be made in the coming weeks.

      Adding additional farmers markets to this year’s schedule.

      Last summer I got my feet wet when it comes to attending a farmer’s market.  I am excited to build on that in 2019.  I would like to include a display on a regular basis to share where the eggs are coming from. This will also raise awareness at a local level that I breed, raise, and sell 3 rare breeds of chickens, hatching eggs and chicks.

      One day at a farmer’s Market….

      I plan to take many of the same items this year to the market I took last year. I want to plant specific items that may not have been in regular supply at the market last year.  The list of what the farm will produce this year is a work in process. I immensely enjoy attending the farmer’s markets.

      Planning this year’s web site goals.

      I am super excited to be working on updating the pages that share info about the chickens I am raising.  I am also excited to be finishing the course on hatching eggs in an incubator.  My goal for a release date is the end of Jan or beginning of February. Yes, I am giving myself a bit of wiggle room.  Beyond that I intend to continue to bring you a weekly blog post and perhaps two.

      If you would like to join a wait list for this course please click on the following: Hatching Course.

      I would love to hear what topics you would like to hear about. Leave a comment or send an email to share your ideas.

      Indoor Market #2: Culver

      On November 17, 2018 I attended my first indoor Farmer’s Market in Bremen, Indiana.  I am looking forward to the possibility of a February Bremen Indoor Market in 2019 with a Valentine theme.  I decided with eggs to sell and crafts to make I would try a second indoor market.  I had seen on Facebook and Instagram that the town of Culver was hosting an indoor Famer’s Market twice a month through April 2019. Further investigation revealed that temporary vendors were accepted as space allowed. 

      Finding the vendor information and application links on the Culver Farmer’s Market Facebook page, I applied.  A few days later I learned I was indeed welcome to attend the following Saturday.  

      The weather proved miserable by the time I arrived and was unloading the car.  Wind driven rain, and temperatures in the 30’s had me shivering. The atmosphere inside was however was warm and friendly to this newcomer.  I enjoyed the view overlooking Lake Maxinkackee.  A fog hovered over the choppy, wind driven waves of the lake and I felt cozy inside the Beach Lodge. Happy with my display, I settled into painting on a couple different bird houses.  I found painting at the Bremen Indoor Market gave authenticity to the finished birdhouses on display.  If not for anyone else, certainly for my own satisfaction.

      I made a short video to allow you to look at the variety of options to shop for at the Culver Indoor Market.  So please be sure to click on the video and enjoy a close up view of many of the items available. 

      Watch a short video showing vendor wares at the Culver Indoor Market in Culver, Indiana

      Each market varies a bit with vendors attendance and I did not get a picture of every available item. If you are local to northern Indiana and southern Michigan, be sure to check out the Culver Indoor Market this Saturday December 15, 2018.  Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the first and third Saturday’s now through April. The Market is free to visit and enjoy live music while you shop.

      Location: Beach Lodge, Culver Town Park, 819 E Lake Shore Drive, Culver, IN 46511 

      Time: 9 am to 1 pm

      Leave a comment sharing your favorite item from the video.

      In Summary

      I am happy to have attended this market and look forward to providing farm fresh, NON -GMO eggs, crafts and other items at future markets.  I met locals, some who embrace similar values, and will enjoy getting to know how they homestead in their own unique way. 

      What did I buy?

      Local grass fed hamburger and ginger snap cookies.